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Real Fishing Story...Muskie


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We were up by Bayport yesterday fishing for Crappies. A small mouth took the bait jumped out of the water. When it came down a muskie came out from under the dock and clamped on. The fight was on and we were waiting for the fish to let go. It never did when we finally got the Muskie in the net the bass was no where to be found but the hook some how got onto the corner of the Muskie... after 10 minutes of revival time the brute swam away....total length of the beast was 42" on 4 lb test......Oh what fun on the river....


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Those are fun. Last year I was fishing with River Dan and he had a muskie on witha 14" eye in it's mouth.

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How you doing fishing buddy havn't heard much from you in awhile, must not be hitting the river that much, I thought you were launching out of hubs. I love that story, yeah those muskies are pretty crazy, had a couple do that to me over the years, pretty cool that you were able to get it in though, congrates! Keep the rod tip up and see you on the water! cool

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Wow, that is incredible that the hook found its way into the muskies mouth! Cool story.

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sold the boat and bought a new one...will be down at Hubs this week end early....Hope to see you there....


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