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wow what a week of fishing nothing but wind and cool temps. I fished winnie the first day with limited luck. the fish were out deep on the humps and we had a 20 mph wind so there was no chance of getting out there. I ended up fishing in the weeds where ever I could find a weed I fished,and we managed a few walleye, some perch and a few3 Northern that were pretty nice size. we were using 1/8 oz gumballs and a shiner minnow.

Sand lkae the second day and again 20-30 mph winds we went to shoreline and humps that topped out at 7-12 ft and fished again in the weeds. we did better on the walleyes that day we must have caught 30-40 fish but only kept 12 lots of small fish. we also got lots of northern and some dandy perch.

then we were off to bowstring the next day again 20-30 mph winds we couldnt fish the deeper drops I wanted to it was just too windy. we fished some small humps on the west side with no success just perch and northern. we also tried the shoreline and nothing but northern and small perch so it was a bust for me.

good luck fishing

Jason Boser

mn fishing pros guide service


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