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just wondering..... whats the weirdest/strangest fish you have caught


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mine was a 4" fathead minnow caught by the mouth on a crappie jig. i catch shiners and chubs all the time, but that was the first time i've ever caught a fathead. i didn't think they had big enough mouths to eat a lure. but hey, you never know.....

whats your weirdest fish?

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hmm, haven't caught a ton of real oddities, but the couple red irish lords I've caught are pretty funky lookin' laugh

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One time on Lake Oahe in SD we got a couple mooneyes (I think they were called), and they are some wierd looking toothy little devils.


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Here's my 1st legal Shortnose Gar, got him last night.


How on earth I was ever able to bury that 10/0 Gamakatsu through the tip of that narrow beak, I'll never know. Its like threading a needle in the dark with a piece of thread to large for the hole. You try to hook this fish 100 times and you won't. Obviously this was an incidental catch as I was fishing a 7-8" live creek chub for flathead catfish but it just baffles me... how was this fish going to eat an 8" creek chub?

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Billy-Gar on the Chippewa River when I was a kid and my dad was teaching me how to use a fly rod, funny how my sisters didn't want to go swimming anymore that day.

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mine would have to be a plecostamos (sp?) got the little guy last year while fishing for bullhead. not sure how he got in the pond. but plecos wouldnt survive a minnesota winter. so it had to have been released in there earlier in the year.


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I caught a sculpin on mille lacs ice fishing a few years back. I saw them scurrying around the rocks, so i put on a tiny tear drop and a piece of maggot. Wierd fish, they crawl on the rocks with over sized pectoral fins.


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An eel is probably the oddest/weirdest fish(?) I have caught while fishing. You just never know what is going to come out of the water when fishing.


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  • 5 months later...

just bumping up this old thread...

in 2009 i definately got weirder fish than a fathead

among them were koi, mirror carp, ghost carp, and a goldfish/carp hybrid

pretty crazy stuff

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I bet it was, I've heard of 'em in MN from time to time. I don't know if they survive winters or if they can get established anywhere however.

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Once someone must have let a bunch of koi go in a pond by my old house. I saw them from the rod and went back with my girlfriend with some tackle and a couple rods... We must have caught 50 of them! All different colored ones, pretty fun I though

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where did you catch a koi??? was it in MN?

yeah it was in minnesota. i was fishing in the cannon river when i hooked what i thought was just another 4-5 pound carp. But as it got closer, i realized this was no ordinary carp!

i heard of a small lake by my house that, according to a fellow i met at my dentist, is full of koi. i'll find out this spring wink

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