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My son and I were out fishing at a local lake this morning and noticed that a LOT of people anchor around here. LOTS.

Here's the etiquette question - or should that be ethics - whatever... Every prime spot had boats anchored on it - every point - every prime piece - plenty of room to troll, cast, use a bow mount, etc - but people PARK. Now I'm not trying to embarrass anybody - that's not my point - I'm used to this behavior by now. But on our way home, my son and I got into this huge discussion on weather that is appropriate behavior for fishermen - to PARK/anchor on a spot.

It would be one thing if this were just novice fisherman - but there were some pretty fancy rigs and experienced people doing this -and not just today - but ALL THE TIME.

Again - I'm not trying to get into a whizzing contest, I'm just curious what you think. My son didn't see that big of a problem with it - whereas I thought people should keep moving, especially on some of these lakes where their are maybe not as many "spots on the spot" - like "up north"...

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Personally, if I came upon a hot spot and could catch them while anchored, I wouldn't move. I don't consider that poor etiquette. To me, trolling too close to other boats is poor etiquette.

The early bird gets the worm. smile

Of course, this is just my opinion.

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Anchoring = Bad Ethics?

No way.

I know people who troll might not like that, but maybe the guy anchored doesn't like trollers all around him.

Simple solution is keeping your distance and or finding a new spot.

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I see no problem with people anchoring on a location. I don't have people trolling by me if i do happen to anchor in a spot, but when a bunch of them troll really close to you in fairly shallow water not a big fan of that.

If you do get too annoyed well just troll another section of the lake. I was told fish swim, but sometimes i really wonder about it. Myself i'm not a big fan of fishing with alot of other boats around so i just start trolling off to never never land and hope they don't follow.

Thats what i did the other day and guess what they followed me to 4 different locations on a small lake.

But main thing is to enjoy the day out on the lake and not let the others ruin it for you

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To clarify - I wasn't that bugged - it just initiated a good discussion with my son.

It did make it tough to fish with every single point with multiple people anchored on it. Didn't feel like I could come in there and cast. Oh well - as long as no one has a problem - I'm buying new anchors. I'm joinin' the "sit on it" club...

Pass me a Bud....

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What I don't like is when they see you trolling, race up in front of you and anchor or follow you untill you catch a fish and have a anchor down on the spot that the fish bite before you have the hook out of the fish! It happens!

Some people can't fish without a bobber and you can't bobber fish without a anchor.

Having a nice fishing boat doen't mean you know how to fish.

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I can't say that anyone did that to us today - it was just a busy day, I guess. But I do notice that people really like their anchors...

About your last line - I upgraded boats significantly, and I think my catch rate went down. Oh well,... ha!

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I spend about the same amount of time trolling as I do anchored. When I am trolling I don't mind people anchored on a spot at all. I just go around them. If I am fishing panfish I am almost always anchored, and I like to anchor on spots to cast or bobber fish predators too. I hate it when people race in front of you and drop anchor when you are trolling though.

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You were on Madison this morning too ?

If not there were many people anchoring out there as well. I think maybe people get tired of fighting the wind and roll the dice on a known spot. That is their right.

I have no problem with people anchoring on a Hot-Spot and grant plenty of room IF possible.

But those who choose to anchor in the narrows and block traffic or anchor on a break line or any other 'HIGH PRESSURE' area where people are drift fishing or trolling have little right to whine or shoot a dirty glance if another boat comes a reasonably close.

You don't plop your hind end in the middle of the road to watch the parade then complain if a horse lifts his tail. sick

What ?

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Good discussion with your son.

I believe it is proper to anchor in a group but for me I'm not one to anchor in a group just not my thing.

What was the name of that show it was a sequel to

Christmas Story where they went Crappie fishing and the group went where ever another boat caught a fish then they all got tangled in each other. Think of that show every time I see a big group fishing one spot just hilarious


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Too many other places to check out on the area lakes to get too upset about people anchoring up on "well-known" spots. Get away and fish by yourself and you'll be amazed at all the "new" spots you create for yourself by doing something that may seem out of the ordinary. Works for me, anyways.

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Anchoring, casting, trolling, drifting, nothing wrong with any of it, it's fishing?

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I'm with the majority on this one too Mongo. I think people have a right to anchor or troll even though I am not interested in doing either of them. I was on madison yesterday morning too and had no problem finding fish without dealing with the groups. Just had to leave the narrows alone.

What I always wonder is if those anchored people get upset when we tear through the narrows at high speeds?

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What I always wonder is if those anchored people get upset when we tear through the narrows at high speeds?

Ya, one would assume so?

On the anchor topic, I have no issue with people anchoring, but I also don't think it reserves them the spot. If you are anchored up, your only fishing the area around your boat, if I see everyone fishing out the shore side I have no issues going fairly close to them to avoid changing my trolling run or drift.

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What really gets me is when I am trolling back and forth over the same path and people see me catch a fish and they drop right in on my trolling route and throw out the anchor and start bobber fishing. When they do this I usually troll as close to their boat or bobber as I can without tangling up. If some one is on a spot anchored before I get there I give them alot more space than I do if they decide to pull up where I was fishing first and toss out the anchor.

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Good topic with a lot of opinions. I have no problem with people anchoring in a spot as I do a lot. I always try and stay away from people. I do not have any respect for those people who decide to troll within short casting distance of me or anchor right next to me while I am anchored though. There is plenty of room to troll and go around people sitting. In a sense it is almost like they are trying to "steal" the fish from the people who are anchored. Whether a person does either there should always be a reasonable amount of space between one boat to another. Yes the lake does not belong to anybody and we all have the right to fish any spot but we all need to use common sense and not park or troll right on top of other people and at least stay casting distance away. I always try and stay away from everyone as I would rather catch less fish and be more by myself than to be in the crowds as the fish get more spooked anyway. I have been all by myself only to have boats completely surround me with no where to cast and then some [PoorWordUsage] has to troll right between all of us. Funny thing is we weren't catching anything but tiny sunnies. So we Moved way to the other side of the lake and caught several large fish all by ourselves while every one continued to pile on to "the" spot. Sorry for the longer rant but it does seem like common sense and respect has gone out the window on the lakes and on the road. Seems like everyone is just out for themselves. Not saying at all this is any of you but in general. We should live by the saying do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Grizzly

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Well, thanks for all the responses. I have learned a couple things:

1) Anchors away. I know when to admit when I was wrong. I just loathe telling my son that... heh

2) I must absolutely stink at locating secondary spots like the rest of you seem to be able to do - which depresses me even more... LOL

I guess I need to hire one of you guys to teach me how to crack this code. Right now, I am sucking air...

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Don't feel bad Mongo I suck at it too. Most of the time for me it is just picking a spot that looks good and hope to get lucky. I have yet to purposely catch a walleye down here in southern MN during the open water season. Still tryin though. Just not sure how to do it. I have tried everything people have suggested but learn better by seeing it done but refuse to follow the groups. Good luck fishin and always just have fun. Grizzly

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Fishing Pool 4 in the spring or in the fall is really interesting to say the least ha. I have seen people almost jump into another boat and start fighting. There are so many boats there you are almost feet away from boats at all times. One time there was a guy that was headed right for me I was retieing my line and trying to manuver the boat. He purposely aimed his boat right at me we almost hit, and he told me "you better have good insurance" I said oh don't worry about that! He uddered things I couldn't hear. The funny thing was later in the day it was the same guy that almost jumped boats to fight. I saw him later leaveing and I waved at him and he didn't wave back jerk!! ha

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I was out on Madison Saturday morning and was wondering much the same. I don't usually like fishing in packs, so I just went where the other boats weren't.

Is Madison that busy all week long or just on weekends?

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Sometimes its the best form of boat control there is. I love slip bobber fishing.

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