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How Not To Lauch A Boat

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My guess is that it was a busy ramp and he was having trouble backing it in. Everyone was getting upset with him, so he thought he'd try it this way!!LOL

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As you can see by the picture the ropes tied to the back of the trialer are attached to another trailer. Ever try backing 2 trailers up, not easy. Its amazing what you can do with a

James Bond truck, but the guy did the fatal mistake of leaving the windows open.

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You know, I joked when I pulled up to a boat ramp that's at the end of a road and they put a full stop sign near the waters edge. Perhaps there are actually people in this world that need it...

[sarcasm]To be fair it looks to be a tricky launch ramp.[/sarcasm]

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Very easy explaination he/she is a Ford driver..
You know, I didn't even see that. That explains it all. wink
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I like the sheriff boat next to the dock.

Last week at Prescott saw a guy launch his boat and as he was pulling the trailer out ripped his front fender on the dock by turning too soon.

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This is just an observation, but I've always had better luck by backing the boat into the water instead of going forward. It just always seems to have turned out better.

Maybe that's just me.


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He has filed a law suit against the truck and boat companies for failure to provide proper launching instructions. Also named in the lawsuit is the launch owner for not posting warning signs. The guy will come out of this will millions. laughlaugh

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Originally Posted By: KTapper
Very easy explanation he/she is a Ford driver..
You know, I didn't even see that. That explains it all. wink

yep perfect explanation right there says it all

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ya know, if I was @ that landing that day..... I would be the guy waiting to load out so I could go home when that chuckle head pulled in. (all the way in) Can you imagine the back up that caused??? whistle

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Maybe he was pulling his truck with his boat? Some ppl need sign like I seen in Chamberlain ROAD ENDS IN WATER

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Are those North Dakota license plates? I could expect to see this from an Iowa'n but not a NODak. LMAO.

Great humor for my Monday morning.


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he may have been trying to figure out just how far exactly he would need to back his boat for it to float off the trailer crazy Great monday humor though

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He has filed a law suit against the truck and boat companies for failure to provide proper launching instructions. Also named in the lawsuit is the launch owner for not posting warning signs. The guy will come out of this will millions. laughlaugh

The sad part of it is, somewhere there is a schmuck attorney that would take this case, and fight for this bone head.

I saw a bumper sticker once that said “Stupid Should Hurt”

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This is just an observation, but I've always had better luck by backing the boat into the water instead of going forward. It just always seems to have turned out better.

Maybe that's just me.


Maybe they had bow tie downs and not transom straps.....could see it happen though

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There is a 15 minute tie up rule? I was wondering why I was pulling jigs out of the back of my hat.

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Yes insurance all the way.

I say he jumped out with the truck still in gear and couldn't recover in time!

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Appears to be Arizona....

It looks like AZ plates to me too. Maybe he's never actually seen standing water and didn't know what to do.

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