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Kris Humphries


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So, the popular ex-Gopher was a throw-in for the Toronto trade of Shawn Marion to the Mavs. I realize he was on the DL most of last year but does he have enough game to come off the pine and help the Mavs?

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its funny he was all big ten, went like 17th in the first round i think???? And hasnt really done a thing in the NBA

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I think he can really help when/if he is healthy.....I thouhgt that he was a great pick up for the Mavs.....he has been a decent bench player and can give a few good minutes of solid play.

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I think it shows how tough the competition in the NBA really is. Another similar example is Mr. Rick Rickert from Du East. The guy leaves college after his sophomore season and never plays a minute in a regular NBA game. I wonder if he could go back, would he stay around and enjoy another year or two of college?

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he might but I think he has still made a decent living playing basketball over seas........

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Throw in is the key word here. It's a salary thing of course and Kris has NO chance to play for the Mavs other than a mop up roll off the bench on occasion.

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I think Humphries could be a decent bench player if he was on a team that was shallow at SF.

Bobby Jackson and Pryzbilla are the only two Gophs in recent memory that have done anything in the pros.

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Pryz is actually very popular out in Portland. He has a "cult" type following, they did a special night for him last year where everybody had masks with his face on them. HE is really active in the community and does a lot of charity work. He is a nice NBA player that has had a long career.

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Humphrey just left too soon. He needed to develop his skills further and learn how to lead a team against top teams. Athletically he was there.

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That's the problem with a lot of the kids now days. You need to develope and that's what college is for.

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I don't think leaving early had much to do with it at all.

I wish he would stayed from a Gopher fan standpoint. I just think he's not an NBA calibery player based on his size, speed and talent level. Once you get to the NBA and it's your life you find out quickly and how good you really are.

I just don't see how playing against College kids 20 more games is going to improve your game at all compared to going to the NBA and playing against and learning from better players.

Just the NBA summers leagues alone are better than College ball.

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Rick Rickert is doing quite well over seas and making a dang good living playing basketball. He was never going to be a NBA player no matter what others told him and his dad. He either should have left college after a all big ten freshman season or stayed all 4 years. As usual agents and others blowing sweet nothings in his ear messed up another career.

Humpries was a strong inside player but he wasnt tall enough to bang with the real big guys and not athletic enough to run with the forwards in the NBA. He will however give a team minutes off the bench, fouls and a good work ethic and mop up some boards and garbage points.

I dont see him in Dallas long unless he really improves but will be trade bait for someone looking for a undersized banger type.

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  • 1 month later...

Kris Humphries-- wow-- I coached the kid as a swim coach. INCREDBILE TALENT and he put it to work as HE still holds all MN Swim records for boys 9-10 years old.(holds some national records last time I checked) Seems as he got older (no longer was his coach) he ran into more talent and had to work harder in the pool to keep up, and basically gave up. HE had Michael Phelps like talent. Found out he's really good at b-ball (for those interested,, his dad played pro f-ball for the Chiefs) and took that up and was Unreal-- almost natural.

But once to the Elite level, he found out he was barely NBa level material. one big mistake he made--- playing for the Gophers (being the best doesn't make you better),, he shouldv'e gone to Duke and played day in and day out agst the best and in the best conf with a great coach. he's simply not NBA starting material. IF he had gone to DUKE, or bigger, better basketball school and stayed a few more years, he's be better in the NBA. REally a sad waste of potential talent,, thou he's making more $$ than I ever will. Can't blame him for that.

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My take-bad attitude. That was it in college. Dad was running the show with Monson as coach so he got tons of touches, left early, and became a big fish in an ocean of big fish.

Now, he might have the same issues but I gotta think he's working on his game and has just reached a mental or physical limit as a professional athlete. Not enough size, athleticism or skill to dominate. If he can develop further, than he might be more than a minutes-eating backup. But you could call me that for a 7 figure paycheck!

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His only mistake was leaving the U way too early.

Thats for sure. Perfect body for that. But they probably would have made him gain a ton of weight and made him a tackle. crazy

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