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El Nino


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This cool weather pattern we are experiencing is said to be the cause of El Nino which brings the jet stream down here instead of mostly staying in Canada. As nice as the weather has been, I feel like overall angling is down.

I'm interested in others opinions of this trend and what was it like when this happened like 10 years ago? I really don't remember that far back.

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Cool? It has been hot this week in case you haven't noticed.

I have had better luck fishing this year, but I would take cooler weather anytime, even if it meant fewer bites.

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It seems like its been cool compared to the last few years but I think its been average.

Fishing was a little slow early on for me, not sure if weather is to blame, the past few weeks have been pretty darn good to me though.

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I'm not really sure about all the climate changes, maybe just nature...

If in doubt maybe give Al Gore a call !! LOL

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I guess everyone has a different tolerance for hot and cold but for me this summer has been a let down so far. I like it hot. I wait 9 months for this weather. Turn up the broiler let's have some summer! I know it's weird but I like humidity too. Really! In fact, I don't trust any air I can't see. So bring it on! Winter's not far away. Let's have a "Cool Hand Luke" kind of summer. That's what I'm talking about!

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I guess everyone has a different tolerance for hot and cold but for me this summer has been a let down so far. I like it hot. I wait 9 months for this weather. Turn up the broiler let's have some summer! I know it's weird but I like humidity too. Really! In fact, I don't trust any air I can't see. So bring it on! Winter's not far away. Let's have a "Cool Hand Luke" kind of summer. That's what I'm talking about!

I'm more tolerant of the heat since I've lost 30lbs smile

Still prefer the cooler weather though.

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Thus far, I have no complaints. Yea, fishing has been a little off, but not terrible. The weather is what it is, we cant control it. Some like to think we can, but nature is always bigger than man.

If this were what passed for "Summer" every year, sign me up.

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Nevermind that part about the fishing being slow. I just needed another day on the water, Sunday....ha!


Dad is fine now too.



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