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Making memories

River Dan

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This afternoon my niece asked me if I'd take her fishing, so of course we went down to the St Croix for some bobber fishing, found a area that was holding fish and anchored up and proceeded to get bites right away and soon she was boating smallies but being only 10 years old didn't want to touch them but I had her hold one lightly with a needle nose so I could at least get a picture


I adjusted the boat to a different area and she boated the first of several walleyes with this 17 being the largest and also her first ever and she was scared to touch it also but I had her sit with the ruler on her lap and balanced the fish on it for a picture


She had so much fun and can't wait to do it again, nothing is better then bring a young one fishing and making memories that will last a life time! cool

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That's what it's all about. My 4 year old daughter has been asking me to go out as well. We took her to the Kinnie beach to play and fish a little, I just tossed out a crawler and put it in the rod holder and she got to reel in several smallies. We're heading to the in-laws cabin in Brainerd today and can't wait to get her out and catch some pannies.

Good job Dan. Our youth are our future.

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Dan is the man. Great memories for sure. Nothing tops days like that on the river.

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Great job Dan! Thats a great way to get a youngster hooked on fishing! I have a 5 month old son and he is already holding on to the butt of my pole and i really can't wait till he is old enough to really fishing!

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