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29 inch walleye out of the rum river

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ok so what is the biggest walleye you have heard being caught out of the rum? well i brought 8point(kevin)down to a decent smallmouth spot the other day and i got a northern, him a nice smallie. once night came though we caught a few walleyes, eventually he caught a 29 inch 8 lb walleye!!!out of the rum river!!!no im not saying where either. we have been catchin a few 15-20 inch fish at night in this spot lately but has anyone ever heard of a walleye this big out of the rum? ive previously caught small ones but nothing over the 20ish mark.

and i would post a pic but we had a bad incident in which kevin got hooked in the other treble while the rapala was still on it(the fish), so it was a 10 minute ordeal and the fish had slim chance of survival at this point due to being out of the water so we hesitantly decided to keep the monster in fear that it would weakly swim away and die, we almost had to go to the er to get the hooks out as he was hooked with 2 hooks past the treble.

me and him have pics of it of us holding in it inside the house(yes i got a pic with it, only to compare it too the 15 inch beast i caught grin) that are good in taste, but i know the moderators can be strict on enforcing the no dead fish rule...and hes mounting it, it was skinny, only 8 lbs, but still 29 inches, and outta the RUM!!!

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Thats definately a monster for the rum river. I personally haven't caught one bigger then 20 inches but 99 percent of my time is spent chasing smallies on top waters. My brother did tie into a big one a few years back but we never got to put it on the tape because he decided before we left that we did not need to bring the net along. It rewarded him by breaking him off...it was all worth it to see the look on his face. Congrats on the fish.


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Yeah, that's a rare fish for the Rum. At least of the ones we hear about anyway.

I hear of occasional 20-25 inchers and have only had one myself that was 24. Other than that, most that I see are between 13 and maybe 17.

Nice catch.

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I have got a few in the high 20's in the Milaca area in some of the deeper holes but that was a few years ago

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hey burnham. nice fish. do you by chance work at cub in coon rapids off round lake blvd? i was in there about a month ago and talked to an employee about his paper on al linder. then i went home and saw your post about the same paper. now i see you fish the rum so its gotta be you. anyway awesome fish. and nice to chat with you.

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howd she taste? nothin better then them slabs oughta the river.

Did you not read the whole post? He said they were going to have it mounted. Just because they brought it home doesn't mean they steaked it out.

[Note from admin: Edited. Please don't tell folks to go ahead and violate forum policy] Tell Kevin congrats on the big fish. I know he doesn't post here anymore.

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howd she taste? nothin better then them slabs oughta the river.

What Polarus said.... But to tell ya, I've always found the eyes out of the rum to have a different taste to em. I can't quite place it but they don't taste the same as eyes out of lakes.

Another local tells me he wouldn't eat anything south of Cambridge due to a certain facility that operates there. sick

I don't know, but the last ones I kept came from north of town and I'll prolly keep it that way.

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Certainly nice fish. That 29 looks ginormous compared to your 15. Sorry to say but you got whupped that night.

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thanks. lol but it was on my spot so i just told him that i was his guide for the night, that makes me feel a little better haha

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The Rum is awesome. I once caught a 4 lb smallmouth, 2 5 lbers, and a 6, all with in 30 minutes of each other. Never a Walleye over 18 inches though. Nice fish!

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Burnham....Your dad wouldn't be named Steve and working in Ramsey?

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