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Need a good Panfish lake in the Metro Area.

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I am planning to take my Dad out fishing for Panfish in the Metro area this week. He is 84 and it will probably be the last time we ever go fishing again. He has Alzheimers and is not very spry anymore.

I was thinking of North Center, but would be open to any other suggestions? Anyone got any ideas. We want to spend a bit of time together not doing anything too strenuous and just have a good time for a few hours.

Any input you guys have would be greatly appreciated.


Uncle Kes

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Depends on the situation. I can fill you in but not on the board.

Email me at jebe2001 at hotmail

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Just a thought but it may work out for you if you used a pontoon to have it easy to get in and out and give him a flat floor and a easier chair to sit in, walk around etc. I took my dad and a couple of his friends out years ago and it was great fun on the pontoon. You may drop some bucks on a rental but it may be a whole lot more enjoyable trip. Maybe you could also take a grandkid or two and really make it special. I'd be willing to take you out on Bald Eagle but I'm leaving town on Thursday for a week.

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Go up to or call Frankies Bait. They are great and always get you in a good spot for fish.

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