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Was out on Green early Friday morning with a couple buddies. We had a decent topwater bass bite from about 6:30 to 8 AM or so. Nothing big, but they were hitting buzz baits, frogs and spooks. Fun times!

There is a TON of milfoil on that lake. Most of the fish we caught were around the edges. Lots of boats out there later in the morning. Most of them anchored off the milfoil edge and were bobber fishing.

The carp were spawning and breaking surface like crazy.

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Thanks for the report. It might be the time to go spend an evening there soon. smile

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I went out there last Wed. for an hour and half and couldn't find anything for panfish.....they were just not where they should be...haha but we tried different areas and depths but the water was so stained that we went to Blue and caught a few pannies....I looked back in my fishing diary and notice that green was the same way last year until the mid of July then the action was non stop until mid-sept

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Yeah, I couldn't believe how stained the water was on Green. We actually hit bottom in one spot and couldn't see it.

The sunnies on Blue haven't been easy pickings like they usually are, not in the shallows at least.

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Blue is crazy that in just one week there were thick weeds in my fish (crappie) holding areas and then like that they were gone!!! The weed treatment they used this year worked and it killed off alot of weeds........

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well what ever they used last year didn't do the trick as my weedliines were there all year and this year from fathers day (sunday) to the next Sunday my thick weedline I was working disappeared.......this weedline was there all last year...still found the fish it just took a little longer

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well what ever they used last year didn't do the trick as my weedliines were there all year and this year from fathers day (sunday) to the next Sunday my thick weedline I was working disappeared.......this weedline was there all last year...still found the fish it just took a little longer

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Did you notice the water turned green much earlier this year? I wonder if that has something to do with it. I remember going up in early to mid June and the water already looking like pea soup like it usually does in August.

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It might be the time to go spend an evening there soon. smile

Well Juan, soon wound up being last night from 7 till 10. I think we fished in your trail from last Friday for awhile. Many of the bass we were catching had hook marks in their mouths already.

We found another school later that were clean though.

A beautiful night to be out there.

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How many did you get Wanderer? Were you fishing topwaters?

I'll have to give it another try. I didn't have much time to explore last Friday.

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Yeah, we were fishing buzz baits. We had about 25 blow ups and landed around 15. Biggest was around 3 pounds, most were 2-ish.

We had a better size average last year but less numbers. Hmmm, can't quite tell wich one was more fun.

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Nice! I haven't had any consistent topwater action for a long time until then. I'll have to give it a try in the evening some time.

There's endless mats of milfoil slop to throw buzzbaits and frogs into.

We probably missed more fish than we caught but it's still fun watching them hit it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Boy is green really green out. I dont think I have ever seen the lake that green before. I looks like pea soup. Just last week it was pretty clear too.

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We were out there about 3 weeks ago and the water was so stained you couldn't see the bottom in two feet of water. My motor started dragging before we knew how shallow it was.

I'd hate to see it now if it got worse. Have any luck?

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Yea its weird how that lake changes every week. Cause last week I was shocked when i saw it was clear and then this week it was that green.

I wasnt fishing out there. I was at the access working and checking boats. Everyone I talked to wasnt doing to well. Could have been since the water was so green.

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had a friend go out there yesterday...he said he had the boat backed in the water looked down and told the driver to pull foward and get the boat out of the water. He said it was the worst he has seen it that you couldn't see barely an inch into the water.....and we have fished it in some pretty mucky conditions

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Juan yea thats the job. This is my second year and final year doing it. Its been fun tho.

Ozzie i think i kno who you are talking about. I talked to a guy and his wife and they had the boat unloaded and then told his wife we are leaving and loaded it back up. I dont blame them. I wouldnt even step a foot in that lake right now.

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