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I was wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a marine radio for emergencys on big water. Last winter on L.O.W. my buddy got drifted in on the ice road and his cell phone would not work. I am thinking a hand held would be a must so I could take it with on a snowmobile as well.

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I have a hand held midland, have not had to use it but seems pretty good. I also own a spot messenger that you have several options to get help. you set up preprogrammed messages and if you are ok, hit the ok button. if you need help but not emergency type, maybe you are stuck or whatever, you hit the help button it sends a preprogrammed message to whom ever is on your list to get you help. If you are in dire straights you hit the 911 button and it sends a distress message to an international group that can pinpoint your lat/long.

Along with the other buttons, the messages send a google map so you can see where you are at. I used it to tell everyone we are ok when hunting and fishing and works great.

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I did a little research and I picked up the cobra 425 -- Have been tinkering with it for about a week. I read the book and it seems to be a good choice.

I will be going to LOW on the 13th -- I will post my findings.

When in doubt, go with a good brand name and Cobra is a pretty good one.

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