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Stoires from busy ramps this weekend

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does anyone need to vent from using boat ramps this weekend? I didnt even try this weekend by annandale but I just wanted to know if you guys saw any pretty funny or upsetting stories from the launchs.

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i help a older fella back his truck is cause his tailgate wouldnt come down and coulndt quit get it back in,other than thats about all i saw

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Bass and Spear,

Talked about it on the east central lakes forum. Chisago was crazy about 12:30 with pleasure boaters and skiers putting in.

Nothing real interesting except people socializing and talking on the phone instead of concentrating on either getting out or getting in the water. Last week I saw a guy back his boat in give the rope to his wife and didn't tie the rope to the boat. He pulls away with the truck and the boat keeps going with his wife holding an untied rope. He gets upset with her and tells her to get in the water and get the boat and pushes her. Needless to say he went for a swim courtesy of myself. Someone was out there to offer to help and when he saw her get pushed and me throw the husband in he didn't bother and told the guy to have a great swim. I stayed around to make sure nothing happened afterwards

and the guy apologized to me. I told him to apologize to his wife, he did and hopefully they had a better day.

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I launched on Sat. morning from the North Access on Pleasant. Not too busy in the morning, but still had to park off to the side in the overflow. Tied up on a friends dock overnight and loaded up about 4:30pm yesterday. The landing was a complete clown show at that time. I'm not complaining about how long it took people to load, I'm talking about people using the landing as a swimming beach and people parking cars without trailers in the truck/trailer parking spaces. I was by myself so I had to beach the boat while I went to get the truck, had to park way down the shore and walk through the woods cuz there were at least 4 families swimming by the landing. The beach was only a 1/4 mile away and you could see it wasn't that busy, but these people thought it was a better idea to let their kids swim where everyone was loading/unloading boats. Drives me nuts!!!

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I was by myself so I had to beach the boat while I went to get the truck, had to park way down the shore and walk through the woods cuz there were at least 4 families swimming by the landing. The beach was only a 1/4 mile away and you could see it wasn't that busy, but these people thought it was a better idea to let their kids swim where everyone was loading/unloading boats. Drives me nuts!!!

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I completely agree with you. I respect that everyone uses the lake for different reasons, but there has to order to it all simply for the sake of safety. I would hate to see someone hit by a boat at a landing, but I would also hate to see that boater sued by the swimmer's family because they were swimming at a boat landing when they aren't supposed to.

I guess maybe someone here can help me out, what does the DNR say about swimming at boat landings? Is it illegal, just discouraged, or is it perfectly fine for them to swim there and the boater must beware?

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I completely agree with you. I respect that everyone uses the lake for different reasons, but there has to order to it all simply for the sake of safety. I would hate to see someone hit by a boat at a landing, but I would also hate to see that boater sued by the swimmer's family because they were swimming at a boat landing when they aren't supposed to.

I guess maybe someone here can help me out, what does the DNR say about swimming at boat landings? Is it illegal, just discouraged, or is it perfectly fine for them to swim there and the boater must beware?

I have been to many landings where there has been a sign stating that swimming was prohibited. I don't know how the DNR enforces it, but if there was a sign, you would think there would be a fine to go along with the violation.

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I swear, rules are only for people with brains. All others, are to dumb to read, (ie. signs, books, regulations). I had some guy that just bought, a boat drive straight at me head-on, while I was on plane. I slowed down to a stop to see what he was going to do. He first steered to the right, and as I steered to my right, so we could pass each other. He cut to the left, we missed each other by only 40-50 ft. Need-less to say I get him the ear beating of a life time. mad READ the boating regs. That was 2 weeks ago on Buffalo lake. This weekend my wife and I were fishing about 150-160 ft from another that was anchored catching pannies and smallies. We had some joker drive between our boats, mad He slowed down just either to caused a larger wake than if he would have stayed on plane. We all give this moron a chewing, he would have need depends under wear, He never even said sorry or anything. Next time, mad

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Jim being on the water as much as must being a guide and all you must see this type of thing way to much to get ticked off......

I go out every weekend and maybe once or twice during the week and I have this kind of thing happen to me regularly but I can't let it get to me otherwise fishing will be like golfing always going and always getting ticked and not enjoying myself.

Idiots will be idiots and until they make you have a boating lic. to drive a boat you will always have the clueless buzzing by you!!!!

but back to the original topic on Wednesday the 1st I went out and when we went to load up we were behind a older guy and he was trying to get his boat loaded and having problems.....I approached him and asked him if he needed some help and he said "oh I will just pull forward and get out of your way so yo ucan get going" I said "no way lets just get your boat on your trailer and get you on your way" all it took was a little help in guiding the boat on the rollers and in minutes he was on dry land and taking off and saying Thanks!!!

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Nothing bad this year but two years ago when we first had the houseboat out on clearwater someone almost ran into us head on just like jigginjim described. How you dont see a 40 X 15 foot houseboat comming at you I dont know. That thing doesnt handle evasive manuvers very well either.

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I had no issues with the ramp on this lake west of monti but I did have a run in with a home owner that was a jerk and thought they owned the lake. My wife and I were anchored and fishing and there was another boat by use fishing also. then this jerk of a home owner comes between us at full speed pulling a person causing a major wake. they did this two time so then I decided to go and have a friendly chat with them about being more respectful to people that were fishing. this jerk went off on me and had the nerve to make the comment that "we don't need your type here" refering to people fishing this lake they think it is only for tubing and skiing. I just drove away and this jerk had the nerve to follow me to the dock and continue yelling at me that they were right and i was wrong and that they pay high taxes because they live on the lake and because of this they have this mentality that they own the lake. I had enough of this so I called the sheriff and had a deputy come to the access and take a report.

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Wow the nerve of some people...maybe a prop shower would have cooled him down a little.....lol

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Wow Brad how did you not pop this clown? The nerve of some people just floors me.

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the particulars haven't been published yet on the two serious incidents that happened this week end. One guy severed the foot of a swimmer with his prop. This is going to be his 2nd DUI with a boat. The 2nd incident occured when two boats collided. One sunk. According to the GF&P both boats where going about 40 MPH in an umresticted area. No alcohol in this incident and no serious injuries.

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Wow Brad how did you not pop this clown? The nerve of some people just floors me.

The worst part of this was that it was not a guy but a lady.

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Brad, what lake and which dock? Maybe we should all go, pitch jigs, worms, and anything else in the boat. 6-11 boats at one time fishing the same dock. Sounds like time for a MOONing. LOL Now listen to her whine. oh don't forget the cheese/crackers.

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Brad, what lake and which dock? Maybe we should all go, pitch jigs, worms, and anything else in the boat. 6-11 boats at one time fishing the same dock. Sounds like time for a MOONing. LOL Now listen to her whine. oh don't forget the cheese/crackers.

Jim I will send you a private email

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Brad this lady was WAY out of line and in fact may have violated the hunter/angler harrassment law. She pays taxes all right... for the land that she owns next to the lake. She didn't buy the freeking lake!! I pay taxes too that go to sustaining lakes like the one that she happens to have bought some shore line next to. That would be like me chasing somebody off of the public street that my property borders because it's "mine" for buying property that abuts it. I would LOVE to give this spoiled brat a piece of my mind.

She was potentially endagering you and the other boat by "buzzing" you at a high rate of speed. She was also way out of line by following you to the landing and continuing to barrage you with her ignorance and big mouth. I'm sorry you had to deal with her. I hope the Sherriff followed up on your report.


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yea the deputy that I talked to at the access ended up talking to her. I asked him if he wanted me to wait at the access while he talked to her but he said I could leave. I asked him to stop at my place since I am only about 3 miles from this lake and tell me what she said. he said that she gave the opposite story of mine and he also could tell that she was the one that did most of the yelling. But because he did not see it happen he could only give her a warning and asked her to be considerate of others on the lake. I did ask him if I should of called the conservation officer instead of the sheriff's office but he told me that public accesses are consider county parks(I don't know if this is state wide or just wright county)

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ive witnessed a fair share of homeowners thinking they own the lake. its ranged from a little citiot punk lippin off, to a guy casting a rap and having it land on a shoulder of one of the people in the boat, to people claiming they own 150' into the lake, to someone claming they own the fish at the end of their dock... All in the st cloud/annandale/big lake area.

the little punk citiot was the funniest, we were fishing his dock pretty hard, and would have moved on alot sooner had he not came spouting off at us. the more we laughed at him the more [PoorWordUsage] he got. So we stayed longer and longer. spoiled little rich kid who will go nowhere in life without mommy and daddy. I was very close to giving him a good view of the lake bottom under his dock.

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Many of these people have no clue. I have told a couple of people to go call the sheriff and the DNR CO. that I would wait until they arrived. They never do, some have even placed dock on shore property they don't own, and call it thier private property.

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I had quite the opposite experience. Granted I tend to fish smaller lakes because I do not what to deal with the riff-raff. Anyway, I am by myself and I'm pretty much trolling the entire weed edge around the lake and I can see a family of 6 have taken over the dock at the boat landing. I'm just thinking to myself...boy this is going to be fun when I decide to call it a day. Eventually I decide to load up the boat. I approach the landing slowly so I can see what these people are going to do. Once they figured out I was coming in, I see the parents instruct their kids to reel in there lines to make way for me. They even saw that I was by myself and offered to help me load up. The kids were chatting up a storm asking me about the fish they saw me catch. Goes to show you...there are some decent people out there. The other posts here also remind me why I stay away from the "popular" lakes. I'd rather go fish for northens on a nice remote lake than fight a bunch of idiots for the prime walleye spot. Thankfully I have a couple of those walleye spots too that I don't have to fight people for.

A suggestion...be overly nice to the idiots. It drives them nuts. I know it's hard to do. Nobody wants to throat punch them more than I do.

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"I guess maybe someone here can help me out, what does the DNR say about swimming at boat landings? Is it illegal, just discouraged, or is it perfectly fine for them to swim there and the boater must beware?"

MN Rule 6218.0100

Subp. 12.

Compatible uses.Public water access sites may be used for swimming unless otherwise posted.

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A license is not going to help people that do not drive responsibly. Folks are just not thinking about driving, either a car or boat. You must always drive like others are not paying attention. How many times have you had someone change 2 lanes to make a turn at the last minute. We have to educate each other as to the rules of water travel, and then there some that never learn or just don't get a &#%*.

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I have had nice kids help me load my boat one time. They were swimming and fishing around the access. After I got the boat loaded I stopped to help give the kids and parents a few pointers. How they could catch more fish at that lakes ramp. It's great to help each other.

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I have had nice kids help me load my boat one time. They were swimming and fishing around the access. After I got the boat loaded I stopped to help give the kids and parents a few pointers. How they could catch more fish at that lakes ramp. It's great to help each other.

This is how it should be. we are all out there to have fun and enjoy the outdoors. Thanks jim for doing that. It's nice when people work together and share knowledge instead of thinking they are all it . It's like the saying "what goes around comes around"

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Was on Big Lake this AM, watched a moron power loading, full minute of full power. This is vandalism pure and simple and should be subject to fines. how many landings have you found that are destroyed due to power loading?

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