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Musky speared


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A 54 inch 40lb musky was speared this weekend on the thaines River by a young kid,if you see people spearing suckers please keep an eye on them. These kids need to be taught a lesson about ethics so they don't do this again!

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Is there any proof of this besides word of mouth? Sounds like enforcement action might need to be taken?

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did the dnr find out about this,and if not they should i think that would be very hard to mistake my 6year old could tell the difference

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I saw something about it somewhere else that stated the DNR had been informed and they were looking for the kid. The fish broke the spear and got away but died later. The DNR plan to have the fish mounted and placed at the state park.

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There was a small story about the fish in the pioneer press sunday edition. We got many pics of the fish since there was a wedding going on while the fish was found, they even got a pic with he spear still in the fish. It was 54 1/4 and a 26 3/4 inch girth-how much would that weigh? 40+? My grandson and the wedding party got some nice photos of the fish.

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How do you mistake a musky for a sucker?

Who said anything about a mistake? Likely some kid doing something stupid, but not a mistake.


Hopefully they catch the juvenile culprit and make the parent(s) pay for their kids actions. I also hope the DNR will distinguish this incident from a winter spearing incident.

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I'm not pardoning anything this kid did, but before everyone jumps on the "crucify this stupid kid!" wagon, I'd just like you to stop and think about this for a second.

First, nobody has said anything about how old this kid is. Was he 6 or 16?

Second, was there any adult supervision? There should've been an adult involved here somewhere if you're looking to blame someone. The kid either (a)didn't know what he was doing or (b)thought he could get away with doing something stupid. Either way, having a responsible adult involved would've remedied both scenarios.

Lastly, kids do stupid krap. I did, and I'm guessing you probably did too. We all learn from our mistakes and have to pay the price when we do stupid stuff, and I'm sure this kid will too. Just seems lots of people are quick to cut down and insult anyone (including kids, obviously) who make mistakes like they've never made a mistake before.

I'll be interested in hearing more FACTS about this story.

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I have never been a fan of making the parents pay for the kids action. Maybe his dad is a spearer and the kid just took the spear out and started tossing it at everything the moved. Dont make parents pay for how stupid there kid is. Make the kid pay, make him to community service with the DNR for the summer or something like that

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I agree. I'm not saying fine the parents, I'm saying the adults in this kid's life have a responsibility to educate him and hold him accountable for doing the right thing. If I would've speared a muskie during the sucker runs, you can bet the farm my dad would've beat my a$$ and it would've been he last time I ever did such a thing. I know we can't always be looking over our kids' shoulders, but somebody, somewhere, probably dropped the ball with this kid. Hard to say without knowing the whole story.

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Have them both do it. Maybe dad will be more willing the control his nit-wit kid.

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I have to agree. Behind most irresponsible kids, there are irresponsible parents to match. Make them both either pay the fine or do community service. The community should not have to be responsible for the behavior of children. Thats mom and dads job

...geese, some people's kids!

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All the kids i seen were from 8-12 range, they were unsupervised. I bet one of them was going to "impress" dad and made a big mistake. i just hope they get caught so he and his friends learn a lesson and don't grow up to be poachers. Some community service would be great!

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I think it was the sunday strib that had that story also, to me it sounded like the musky wasn't just speared once that it had multiple pokes in it

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I have an e-mail in to the DNR to see what info they have on this.

Is there a link to the strib story?

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All the kids i seen were from 8-12 range, they were unsupervised. I bet one of them was going to "impress" dad and made a big mistake. i just hope they get caught so he and his friends learn a lesson and don't grow up to be poachers. Some community service would be great!

Hopefully you are passing this info on to the DNR so they can find out what is going on.

If you need MnDNR contact info just let me know or simply call TIP and the CO's will get in touch with you.

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I found it, but stink at trying to make a link. Strib --> sports --> outdoors --> outdoors almanac (The heading is about almost a state record sturgeon)

Conservation officer Mike Lee of Isle received a TIP call that a large muskie had been speared in the Thaines River and was floating with the spear stuck in it. Lee found the fish and said it appeared that someone had attempted numerous times to strike the fish, with the final spear strike lodged in the mid-back of the muskie. The fish was 54¼ inches long with a girth of 26¾ inches.

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Using the standard measurement (Length x Girth x Girth / 800) that would put the fish at 48.52lbs.. What a shame

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any word if they found the kid or not? That just burns me really does, im a younger guy 23, and when some of the old timers go off saying how dumb kids are these days kinda makes me mad cause not everyone is like that, then stuff like that happens and just proves how dumb some kids really are.

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Punish the kid with community service. Lets see how good he is with that spear when he's aiming at garbage on the side of a road.

Then make his parents pay for the fish to be mounted for the State Park. Maybe then they'll learn to keep an eye on him a little better.

Only punishing the parents doesn't teach the kid anything. Only punishing the kid doesn't teach the parents anything. I say they share the blame.

Also we should keep in mind that regardless of how good a parent you are your kids will screw up at some point. I know I did when I was a kid and I had great parents. Its part of the learning process, so lets find the kid teach him his lesson and then move on all a little wiser.

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I'm with punish the offender. I am sure there is a $ value for a fish like that so he has to work that $ off plus interest. I'm with nofish too, parents can do everything right but kids are going to screw up, human nature IMO to push the envelope, its understanding that there are consequences to each action

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Did anyone stop and consider that maybe the kid was defending himself? If any of you seen monsterquest last week then you know that mille lacs is full of giant bloodthirsty muskies waiting to attack! grin This incident could be on a future show. wink

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haha JB when i first started reading i thought you might have been drunk then i read the rest. I hope they find the kid put his face all over the back of the star trib make him really look stupid then

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Yeah, mrklean, that'll really help him pay his debt to society and become a better person in the end.

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I'm not saying this kid should walk away from this with no consequences. But this does not make him public enemy number 1 either. Certainly there should be some type of fine or restitution, and it is important that he, as well as his parents learn from this.

Don’t just write this kid off like he is some sort of serial killer, he screwed up (as almost all kid’s do at some point in their lives). He needs to held accountable for his actions so that he learns not to do something like this again.

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I just hope that the DNR finds the kid that is responsible and is able to sit down with the parents and the kid and make him realize what they have done. After that, if the kid is apoligetic and shows remorse, leave it at that, if not, fine the little b.st..d and give him some community service and take his fishing/Spearing licence away for a few years.

just some thoughts

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i never said it was gonna pay his debt to society, its like when some are caught for DWIs and they wind up in the paper with there pic in there, samething just trying to make the kid look dumb

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Wow, He's a kid!! Did you ever make a mistake when you were that age. I think about all the guys who catch a trophy fish have it flop around the boat, take dozens of pictures and try to release it. It ends the same way. DEAD...

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