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Is there any good line out there anymore?

Bottle Fish

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Does anyone have line that does not coil and if so what kind? I am really tired of buying line these days. It seems that all of them tangle and coil. Is it the manufactures or simply old line all the stores carry? I do not buy at Wallyworld either.

Any suggestions or recommendations would be nice for line that you know does not tangle or coil.

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not tangle? That is as much of fishing as putting a lure on. A steel rod won't tangle. As far as coil, Superbraids tend not to coil.

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I think a lot of companies make a good quality line. I use Gamma and love it.. But have used P-line for years as well..

How often do you change your line? what kind of lures do you throw? Are you staying within the reels range? What kind of reels?

I have a feeling there is a problem other than the line its self?

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Get some good ol' Trilene XL and don't reel against the drag smile Every so often, cut the jig/snap off and let it all off behind the boat, and then reel it in, good as new again smile

I also like Cajun Red, but you need to be careful what type you get, as there are different "models" and the one for baitcasters will coil on a spinning reel.

I do like the superlines, Fireline, PowerPro, the Stren Braid. Just tie a tippet of flouro on and good to go jigging...

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Like Bxmn said every time you crank your reel while the the drag is screaming you put a twist in the line.So it does not take long before it will come spooling off when thyou open the bale.

I don't think it is your line of choice.Hope this helps

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I agree with BoxMN and Deitz, I see it being more of an issue on how it's spooled or being handled while it's on the reel.

I am a fireline guy myself, I haven't had any problems with it since switching over. I find it hard to fish with mono after making the switch.

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If by coiling you mean the result of twisted line then BoxMn has it right.

If by coiling you mean the memory coils that result from the line sitting on a spool for extended periods then you should have some choices. I think all lines will develope some memory if left on the spool long enough but I do know that TrileneXL seems to relax rather quickly once it gets in the water again as far as mono goes. I also find that Berkley Fireline doesn't seem to hold much memory on my spinning reels.

Hope this helps.

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Fireline is on three of my spinning reels and gets used 80% of the time. Mono on baitcasters and one spinning reel with mono backed flouro. Something for everything.

Personally I think the fishing lines are far better than they used to be. I used to use Trilene XL and Sensation which were good, but don't really compare to Fireline IMO.

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Fireline is the only line i like to use, not much memory and if u dont twist the line when spooling it it does not twist. it also has great sensitivity nothin really compares like solbes said.

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Make sure you put the line on correctly. Here is what I do. On spinning reels lay the spool flat on the floor. If the line is twisting when you put it on flip the spool over. Ussually the label on the spool goes up but sometimes you have to flip it over. It will make a huge difference. The Trilene has instructions for this method in the box.

I keep a gentle steady tension on the line when I put it on too.

Like the other poster I stick with good ol Trilene XL (6lb). Mostly because of cost but also because it is easy. I just buy a big old spool at the beginning of each season and can re-spool as often as needed during season. Once in a while I need stronger line but most of my fishing six pound is good.

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As previously said, don't reel against the drag. Have new line spooled on at one of the local baitshops versus putting it on your spinning reels yourself can decrease line twist. You can soak mono spools in water for a short period of time to reduce memory and coiling, try reel magic spray on your line as this is what it is supposed to reduce. When I have problems with memory and coiling I will toss the line overboard when on the water on an open spool with the boat moving, and let the line run off the spool untill the spool is nearly empty and simply reel in while applying tension on the line with mythumb and index finger. This usually solves the problem. Xl is less apt to coil then stiffer lines like xt and some of the florocarbon lines. If your rods are store where there are extreme temperature swings, in direct sunlight it can increase line memory as well as line that has been stored on the spool all winter. Hopefully some of these tips will help you out.


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Calcutta,I have had good luck with.. Also how much tension you are using when spooling any line on.. Overloading the spool can also contribute to the pretty spirals that fly off the reel.. Fireline is good, and Stren Braid..

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I will give all the above a try again, though I have done all the tricks before. After thinking about it, it is probably reeling while the drag is going though. I will be sure to watch not doing this in the future. If all else fails I will revert back to Fireline I only switched because of fraying issues. I know this happens because of the guides especially on lower end rods however.

If I do switch to Fireline, do you use a mono leader most or all of the time?

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With the exception of bait-casting reels, by design the line will eventually get twisted. Spinning and spin-cast reels get there name from this. The line is wrapped around the spool rather than rolled onto it. This will twist it.

Letting the line out without anything on it and then slowly reeling it in as you idle forward is about the best way to remove line twist.

The method mentioned for adding new line where you lay the supply spool a certain way also only reduces the twist as you spool on new line but does not eliminate it. There is some twist simply because the number of revs of the reel are more than the revs the line is making as it comes off the supply spool.


If you do a lot of cast/retrieve then line twist will be much more of a problem. I've usually figured that to be one of the major reasons bass fishermen typically like to use bait-casting reels. They don't create the line twists problem.

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I guess I'm just old I tried some of the different stuff last

summer some was ok some not so much...had to get scissors nail cliipers wouldnt do the job but mainly i didnt catch more fish because of line so i keep what has been workin for many moons.. i spool with trilene usally 8lb xt green

and make my snells with 6lb xt green sometime xl clear

i keep it fairly fresh new every yr for sure I dont seem to have

to many issues spinning reels have memory but i guess i'm use to that and doesnt really bother me I lose very little time to tangled lines.. both the 8 and 6 seem plenty strong very seldom lose fish

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i love my berkley vanish 8lb or 6lb for pullin eyes. its spooled on every walleye rod i have.

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I think BobT and Tunrevir are right on the money. Eventually with spinning reels the line will twist especially with heavy casting. Just simply remove all hooks, sinkers, and swivels...let the line out into the water as you motor forward...when all line is out...put the boat in neutral and slowly reel in your line, letting it untwist (in the water) as you reel in smoothly with slight pressure from index finger and thumb. It really helps!

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Have you switched reels lately. About 3 years ago I bought a new reel that wasn't made by the same company as most my reels. It was an expensive reel but it didn't seem to matter what line I put on it after a day of fishing the line would have a terrible amount of line twist. I still don't know why one spinning reel would be so much worse this way than the rest of my spinning reels. That reel doesn't see much use any more.

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As for mono, pro Bass fisherman chance it every day of a tournament if they use that rod much of the day! If you didn't put new line on this year you will have to change it. That is just the way mono is. I have reels with fireline 2-3 years old and going strong.

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Like everyone says mono gets line twist, some time or other. Me I like P-Line. it is small diamiter, I like the color, and it is flexable. I also like a braid, but only when useing lures, not jigs or live bait.

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