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Hi Barb, my son and a friend of ours and I will be up Friday night. Where are you going to open?

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I am not sure, I was planning on a small local lake but I might end up going down to Mora to visit my sister who just came back from wintering in Arizona. I haven't seen her for 5 months. I know if I will be on a lake somewhere Monday for sure and have a trip planned to Lake Carlos next week for 4 days.

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Are heading up to fish with Jim? Try Ben's Bait in Grand Rapids

Yes they are coming up to fish but Jim get to paint mad

My cast will come off my left arm tomorrow morning but it will take a few weeks to get back to normal so I am getting the cabin ready so we can put it on the market by June 1st. It really sucks to try and type with one hand crazy

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Originally Posted By: Iambjm
Are heading up to fish with Jim? Try Ben's Bait in Grand Rapids

Yes they are coming up to fish but Jim get to paint mad

My cast will come off my left arm tomorrow morning but it will take a few weeks to get back to normal so I am getting the cabin ready so we can put it on the market by June 1st. It really sucks to try and type with one hand crazy

WHAT? you and lisa getting rid of your deer river place????
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Let's all go over to Jim's place and help him get his painting done so he can go fishing!

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Let's all go over to Jim's place and help him get his painting done so he can go fishing!

The arm is still very tender and will take some time to get back into shape so I think running the tiller will be out of the question for a couple of weeks. This morning it started to hurt to carry a big bag of cereal mad

Glen as much as I hate to sell the place we have to because I don't want Lisa to work while she is going through the nursing program. We will always be in the area but who knows were we will live when school is all done and Lisa finally gets that dream job. I have a feeling it will not sell with the market in such bad shape and if that is the case we might have to rent it out and move there later. We will have to get out on Winni some time in June and get some walleyes.

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I heard from a reliable source today that it isn't looking good for local shiners. Sounds like they're staging on the drop offs, but this weather hasn't let them come up shallow to do their thing.......become bait for all of us! grin

I know I'll have my bucket of Gulp minnows in the boat for sure.


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jim, i hear what your saying, but man it has to bite a bit. i get that same feeling about the cabin, especially now that my dads gone. sometimes my mom throws out these little remarks that gets ya thinking. doesnt help my brother is in wisc and only goes up there 2 times a year. been threw ths carpal tunnel stuff twice and know where your coming from, one day feels good next day hurts like the dickens. would love to take you up on the winnie day. would need to be one of the last 2 weekends in july. will keep in touch, and thanks again for the offer.

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heading up to grandpa's cabin on big jesse lake, probably gonna fish little jesse or bowstring. I'm hoping the bowstring store has shiners for their usual rediculous price, but it's better than driving all the way into town. couple of days ago the weather report looked great, now, not so hot, lets hope they are wronge!!!

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