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Where to find the Walleye this weekend

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Hey all,

Heading up to Little long lake (ELY) this weekend for opener with some friends. Curious if anyone has input on how they will be acting/located this weekend....what do you think the best method of fishing would be for this time of season. Thank you in advance. Any suggesting are much appreciated. Thanks

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I'll echo iansinclair's question. My wife and I will be on Farm/Garden/White Iron for the opener, and we've never before fished them. Any pearls of wisdom on walleyes, smallies, or pike in the early season? Rough ideas for water temps would be helpful as well.

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I was on that chain putting the dock in last weekend. The water temps were 42-43 degrees generally. I am not sure how fast the lakes will warm but guess they'll be only a few degrees warmer.

Typically at this time of the year you look for current, incoming creeks, shallower warm water for spawning fish; the same general stuff you look for elsewhere.

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I'll be missing the opener for the second year in a row, but if I were going I would expect to fish 12 feet and less.

Keep it simple. Jig/minnow, lindy/minnow or leech, slip bobber and leech. With the bobber rig you can fish that 5 - 7 range without loosing gear.

Again, that's just what I would do.

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