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Biographical/background info needed on al linder

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I am looking into doing a large school project on al linder, the problem is that there is no information on him. (i am the first person in my school to choose a person with no info about at our library, and its a big school, anoka) anyways, i know the general stuff about him, hes from chicago, started lindy tackle, started in fisherman, the tv shows, and caused fishing to be a publicized sport. if you would be willing to point me in the direction of some background/biographical info on him it would be GREATLY appreciated as i dont want to switch topics lol..i know the moderators dont like links, so heres my email adress- [email protected]

Thanks in advance

Ryan Burnham

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Could always try to get a phone interview with him or something. He's a really nice guy and might set aside a chunk of time if you schedule it. Not entirely sure how to get ahold of him these days, but just an idea. Your teacher would guaranteed love how you got the information. smile

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Hi Ryan -

Just call the Angling Edge office in Brainerd, explain who you are and what you're doing, and I bet they'll help you out some way or another. I've had the good fortune of knowing Al for more than 20 years, and he's genuinely one of the nicest people I've ever known.


Rob Kimm

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Contact Angling Edge in Brainerd. Like AC said, he is a very nice guy. I dont think he would turn you down if he had the time.


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i will try to get a hold of him then, thanks guys. now that i actually think about it he is going to speak at my church soon to speak about his faith. i might give the company a call and try to get a hold of him otherwise i will try to get a hold of him at my church(im not sure if it was this week tho, and i wasnt able to make it on sunday frown )

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First light on the water is an autobiography that he and Ron wrote. You can order it on their web site.

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Wow, he doesn't even have a Wikipedia article.

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yea theres not much on him at all if you google him. i checked out first light on the water, and one of my searches brought up the first 20 or so pages of the book. it seems really, really good!

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Good luck with your project. One of the highlights of my summer, God willing, will be to meet him at the MN Teen Challenge Fishing (tournament) Event on Gull Lake the end of May. I know there's still room. Check out the tournament forum (might be down a ways) if your interested. Might be another "in", but I'm assuming your project might be due before then. Good luck.

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Burnham, good choice to choose. I think you'll have a great time talking to him if you get the chance. Be prepared with your questions. Your teacher would be impressed since it is someone he/she never read about in past reports. I would make sure to bring a tape recorder or video tape so you don't miss anything. I've met him once at Gander and talked with him for a bit. He is very genuine and I would bet he wouldn't mind helping you out. I would also offer to send him a copy of your report when you are done. Great time to get a photo op too. Your best bet would be to try to schedule it around the time he is coming to your church...kill two birds with one stone so to speak. Post your final report here and share it with all of us so we can get to know him better.

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I know Currently Al has been filming pretty heavy but he should be around. Like was mentioned previously just call the Angling edge folks and explain who you are what you are doing and they can help. You seem to have a pretty good start but I will admit some of your facts are a bit off. wink

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i got a hold of people from the office and they said he is out of the office for the week, my first thought was filming lol...danget, i included some of that information on why i wanted to interview him in ab email, hope he doesnt mind if some of it was in fact a little off lol the lady said she thought he would be more than willing to arrange for an interview if i emailed him tho

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Al's a great Guy known him my whole life and he will be more than willing I would think. You can Always Chat with Ron when he gets back in town and most of their careers have run parallel paths. Although he is also out of town for a bit.....

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alright thanks a ton, would you know how long he will be gone, like over a week and a half?

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True story, Al Lindner taught Chuck Norris EVERYTHING.

On top of that it is reported that Al Lindner is his own recycling plant. He chews metal and turns it in to the little Jesus fishes that you see on peoples cars.

Al Lindner once fought a bear with only a Lindy-Rig because the bear thought he could steal Al's walleye... The bear is now a rug.

Al Lindner can walk on water.

This is all FACT, and can be put in to your report.

If anyone disagrees, ask Al himself... I dare you.

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Would like see your project when your done could be very interesting.

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Also try the freshwater Hall of fame. I think it is in Walker Mn

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lol at the chuck norris...thanks for all the help. yea i will post it when i am done, the topic is people that have made influences on american society that have had a lasting effect. it has to start before 1980, and still have an effect on today (ron and al started up the show in 1979 smile

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if you run out of time and cant get in touch with Al

you could contact several relialbe soucres to help you

try brainerd dispatch they have done several stories over the yrs

same with mpls star... guy like ron shara all should be albe to give acurate details

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MN Fishing Hall of Fame is currently in Brainerd. Al and Ron started the Magazine before 1979, granted they aren't still a part of In-Fish but the Mag is still around. I would think they should be back from filming by the weekend....for a day or so. May want to try back Monday, or was he going to get back to you?

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i can gurantee you that he will be accomadating. I have fished with and againist him over the years. When he comes to your church and he has 15 spare minutes, he will give you a 1/2 hr. No one finer ever represented fishing in Minnesota. good luck with your project.

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There are some great stories in first light on the water... I did a school project on Al as well and the book helped a lot. Good luck


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where did you get the book? i have tried 2 different christian book stores and borders and they didnt have them, either did the library. do i have to order them online through their website?

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I tried a couple book stores and was told they don't sell those in stores. You can get it from the web site.


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In your searches and in your paper, be sure to spell his name correctly.

I do believe it is Lindner, not Linder.

Often times confused.


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I believe Al did a tour in Viet Nam? I had an awesome radio interview link from 12/31/05 Smokey's Outdoor Radio, but the link seems to be bad now. The interview was very candid and Al talked about how everything got rolling.

Good luck!

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yes i know its lindner, i just made the mistake when i posted the thread haha..there was an article in the paper about him, im gunna order the book off the website probably, thanks for all the help

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You should try giving him a call today/this week before they get filming again.

Take Care,

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yea i called him today(because i hadnt recieved a response to an email i had sent him) and his secretary told me to call him back 5 minutes later, so i did and sure enough he got another call cry...she said to leave a voicemail so that he could contact me on his schedule..so i did and i sure hope he calls back

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