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Where would one start looking on belle for eyes on opener? just looking for general info not any one spot! Thanks

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Just lcoolcoolk for the boats!!! LOL laugh

I would start shallow, and work your way out. I would guess they would be in 10-12 FOW suspended. Just a guess. I rely on watching my graph, and go from that.

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The ol' Minnesota fishfinder....a pair of binoculars! smile

I haven't fished Belle on the opener very much so I don't know any opening day "hot spots", but I'd check around by the park and fishing pier area. Use your locator (no, not the binocs!) and try to find some areas holding fish and start there. It might not hurt to try shallower than you might think.

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Don't be afraid to look ultra shallow....as in you can touch bottom with a kid's fishing pole!

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kinda figured on the boat thing smile Thanks for the info

I was only kidding about the look for the boats thing. I can't stand when people do that. I guess that's just the way it is.

I have caught them in so shallow of water, you could see them. We actually bobber fished for them in that spot, to keep the boat far enough away so as not to spook them off. Didn't take long to get our limit either.

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I fish the same way during open water as I do ice fishing and that is to stray away from the crowds as best as I can! I see that I am going to have to really look slow smile But from what I have see is that Belle's water clarity is around 3ft and on opener it sounds like its going to be pretty sunny with a little wind. With those conditions will it be harder to fish or not?

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