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How many fair weather fisherman ??

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I can handle rain/cold, but my boat is a bit too small when it blows. Last year in the park rapids area, we were planning on fishing potato. The wind was 20 mph plus, so we just decided to go check the landing out to see how it was going out there. As we pulled up there was a father son duo going out in a 14ft aluminum with a transom mount electric motor. We made it out that day, but just hugged the shore line. You would never find me in that boat, let alone my son (if I had one)

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I have picked up a possibly bad habit of letting the weather/wind pick my lake for me. I always think "North wind, can't get on this lake, but I can go on this one" or vice versa.

But if you are on a big trip, you pretty much fish in anything. Two years ago we went to Ontario in mid-September and had to scoop snow out of the boat a couple times while we fished. That was truly annoying.


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I have to chime in on this one!

I have a 27ft boat and if the wind is 20+ I'll stay home...

It's just not any fun.

So yes I'll take the label of A Fair Weather Fisherman!

You just have know when to say when.

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wed/thurs is supposed to be nothing but rain.. but its the 2 days i get off this week and the weekend is gonna be hell... im definitely gonna be on water somewhere

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well I have been on the ice when we had to tie our shacks to the trucks to keep them from blowing away.

One trip on superior we had 7-8 foot waves, guess that makes me fair and bad weather. or maybe just crazy. grin

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I have fished in just about any type of wind, rain, snow, gale, etc., but one thing I won't do anymore is fish when it is raining and cold 45 degrees and under. This type of weather takes any enjoyment of the sport right out of it for me.

My sentiments exactly. I hate it when your fingers are to numb to get a pinch of snuff
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For me, I’ll go out in just about anything depending on my mood. Except when it’s lightning though. I’ve had a couple close calls with lightning in my life and don’t even like to be outside in the yard as soon as I see it.

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I'll go out in any weather! Last fall right before first ice i was out in my 16' alum, 30mph winds and snow! Got a walleye which made it all worth it.

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I have a small 14' tinny and a 6HP outboard, so that does keep me from going out with strong winds.

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I'm a darn near any weather fisherman, I've been out in strong winds, stinging rain, and that was before I was smart enough to buy some decent rain gear. If I want to go fishing I don't let much stop me besides the old lady wink , and lightning.

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We trap leeches out of a 10' john boat. It gets pretty hairy out there sometimes - but if we don't check the traps and rebait them, we don't have leeches for you! After my experience in a little boat - anything in a larger boat doesn't seem all that bad!

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I've become a fair-weather fisherman without a doubt. I have fished in cold, snow, wind, rain, storms, lightening, hail, etc. but have decided that it is just not worth it. My Lund catches the wind like crazy so anything over 20mph is pretty much a signal to find calmer water or get off the lake if I can't. If I find that I am spending more energy controlling the boat than fishing - I am outta there. And, since I fish only for bass - if there is too much of a bow in my line I am outta there as well. Anything below 30 degrees and I am staying home too.

Tournaments are a different story of course but as for recreational fishing - fair weather all the way.

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I have fished in cold, snow, wind, rain, storms, lightening, hail, etc. but have decided that it is just not worth it. Wind anything over 20mph is pretty much a signal to find calmer water or get off the lake. If the the skies dark and rumbleing, Sorry my boat won't be a float, I'm not an electrician. smile

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I'll fish in any weather but Lightening like Jiginjim said "I'm not an electrician" haha. Other than that I'm good to go!

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I do not fish in lightning. I will fish in the wind but do not enjoy it as much as winds 10mph or less.

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Last year on our annual trip to the Alexandria area the wind was sustained at 26 MPH out of the ENE with gusts up to 37 MPH and 1" of rain. Was out on the west side of the lake during the rain, no thunder or lightning. Caught 44 walleye in about 3 hours, kept 3 for a nice meal by the fireplace in the cabin for my wife and I. Some of the best fishing I have experienced. Needless to say I was the only one on the lake. That is how I earned the name of "Hardcore Fisherman" at the resort. I have a low profile 16' 6" Lund boat with a 60 horse motor. Took a slow drive back to the resort. Getting on the lift was rather entertaining.

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Azrael, are you going up to be up this weekend?

LakeDocktor, I’ll be up there early Friday afternoon. I hope my Dad’s pontoon will be ready. He brought it in last weekend for some repairs. If it’s not, I’ll be fishing Ten Mile all weekend. We have a family cabin out there with a 14’ foot boat that I use.

Hope to see ya and maybe we could get together drown some bait.

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We normally fish nearly every weekend open water, rivers, or ice. We reserve November for deer hunting in Minn. and Wyoming. Santa won't let me go on Christmas frown

I have always found the right gear is worth buying. Wind, rain, or snow doesn't bother us, but we also draw the line at lightning.

We it's cold heat is good either in the boat, portable, or wheel house. My biggest muskie 54 1/2 inches was caught and released on Halloween day on Leech Lake. My walleye was on the 17th of July 2 years ago on a fly in trip to Ontario of 33 1/2 inches released. Love to eat fish occasionally, but release most of them to play another day.

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ive got a small 14ft aluminium boat with a 7.5hp motor. so that limits me a bit with the wind, even tho i have been out on the south side of ML with a heavy wind coming out of the north and we pounded waves for a while but it just got to be too much.

I dont mind fishing in the rain or when its cold...i like to think im a fair weather fisherman by force not choice

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I HATE the wind with a passion but it would never make me stay home. The day I dont go is the day that I would have caught the biggest fish of my life and thats not something i can live with. I have had some awesome days in 30 mph steady winds walleye fishing. Now thats a walleye chop!

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When I'm on a fishing trip the only think I shut down for is lightning, but I may not fish as long if I'm getting beat up by the wind and rain and the fish aren't biting. When I'm at the lake for weekends with the family I'm a little more picky with the weather.

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Last year on our annual trip to the Alexandria area the wind was sustained at 26 MPH out of the ENE with gusts up to 37 MPH and 1" of rain. Was out on the west side of the lake during the rain, no thunder or lightning. Caught 44 walleye in about 3 hours, kept 3 for a nice meal by the fireplace in the cabin for my wife and I. Some of the best fishing I have experienced. Needless to say I was the only one on the lake. That is how I earned the name of "Hardcore Fisherman" at the resort. I have a low profile 16' 6" Lund boat with a 60 horse motor. Took a slow drive back to the resort. Getting on the lift was rather entertaining.

The best fishing i have EVER had was during an absolute downpour on opener weekend. Every single boat got off the lake, and we raked in the walleyes! Limited out for 6 guys in 30 minutes!

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I'll fish in snow, golf in snow, cold, wind, whatever. Just give me Outdoors!

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Alright! Somebody else actually golfs in snow and rain! So i'm not crazy.

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For me 20mph is doable. There is a big change in the water conditions somewhere between 20-25mph. Once it hits 25mph I start looking to lakes with landings on the up wind side of the lake.

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Originally Posted By: dtro
Very RARELY will weather force me to stay home. Some of my best outing have been with inclement weather approaching. I've learned to read the radar pretty well and know when to when.

bah.. the radar don't mean nothing.. especially down here in the mississippi valley/bluff country.. because the bluffs and river throws off the pressure storms bring.. i could look at the radar.. see us completely surrounded by green and there won't be a drop of rain for miles

I have trust in the Radar 100% and when there are systems around me while fishing, I’m checking it constantly on my phone to make preemptive moves if need be. It hasn't let me down once in past 4 years I've had it on my phone.

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What kind of phone and what weather service do you have?

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I have a blackberry pearl and I just hop on the internet and go to weather.com or accuweather and pull up the radar and just update it about every ten minutes if it looks like a storm...

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