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How many fair weather fisherman ??

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I love to fish but tend to let the weather determine when i go, if it is windy i usually don't go, how about everyone else?

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ill go in blizards, -30, rain, lightning is iffy but i really wont go out much if its really windy 18+ mph..

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With my current boat I call at gusts above 20. When I get my next boat (a 17 footer) I'll up it to 30.

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Weather is not that much of a factor for me, unless it is real windy

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As long as i have a day off, im fishing. If it is windy, i'll stick to a smaller lake or river

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I love to fish but tend to let the weather determine when i go, if it is windy i usually don't go, how about everyone else?

I'm with you on this. I absolutely HATE the wind mad

My signature says it all...

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I hate the wind also, but I've caught my biggest fish in windy conditions.

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day off I'll be fishing, windy weather I do the same try and find a smaller lake or stick to where the water is calmer/wind breaks.

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I won't be as much of a fair weather fisherman now that I've moved up here. When I was in VA I wouldn't go if it was windy. I'd fish in the rain, but wind killed me because I only fished electric only lakes. Just took too much battery to fight the wind and move between spots. Now that I can use the gas motor to move around, the wind won't have as much effect. I'll just go to smaller lakes if it's windy.

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Lately I let weather determine when I fish. Mostly because I've been too busy to fish but put aside things that I shouldn't when the weather is particularly good, and I hate missing a great fishing day.

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I'll go out in just about anything.. not a big fan of really windy days.. but if budget permits.. windy days i'll go spend on a stream tucked in the valley.. hopefully away from most of the gusts

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I'll go whenever. If it is raining, the fish are already wet, so they don't care.

od4me-how olds the pup? I have a black lab too. Baaaaaaad dog!... smile

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I go no matter what. If it's really windy and I can't find somewhere to fish that's a little quiter then I may cut it short if the fishing isn't really good.

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I'm with Sandmannd. Bring on the weather. We headed in last May due to hail and lightning. Thats about the only reason to head in early.

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For better or for worse we fish in anything but lightning. Nothing like a day of sleet and rain to help a guy sleep good at night.

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If the fish are hittin' weather is all but unnoticed - unless the wind about puts you on the rocks when you are too distracted landing a big fish...still worth stayin out...just go in an aluminum boat incase that happens. I just do not try to run a 21' boat in waves over 6'.

I think it is true what is said above - per angling hour spent more large fish caught in the W-word (yeah that is how much I dislike it) but if the bite is on...I AM THERE. Have fished in blizzards and 115 degree heat (dead calm).

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I'm more of a poor weather fisherman...or a fair weather wakeboarder. I love bad weather because then I don't have to feel bad to feel bad about fishing instead of boarding wink

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I should clarify my earlier statement. I HATE the wind! But, when on a trip we go out in anything but lightning.

When fishing the metro, or if I have a choice, I choose my days based on the wind forecast. I hate it that much.

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I go when I can and adjust locations and/or techniques based on the weather.

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Very RARELY will weather force me to stay home. Some of my best outing have been with inclement weather approaching. I've learned to read the radar pretty well and know when to when.

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The only time I avoid fishing in wild weather is when I have the kids with. With todays rain/snow gear, warm gloves, drift socks... We have lots of tools to keep us comfy and fishing. The most important item is the life jacket. I always wear when fishing in the wild weather.

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Unless there are 25mph winds and thunder/lightening, I'll be on Mille Lacs at Midnight Fri.


Just be careful and use your head.

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I've pretty much fished in everything. Lightning will get me off the water but I go right back once the storm moves on.

From presonal experience I can tell you that a 14 foot aluminum with a 10 hp motor is not much fun when the wind starts blowing at 60-70 mph during a severe thundertorm. We survived but it was the only time in my life that i was actually scared for my life. During that roller coaster ride I didn't even notice that we were getting pelted by nickle sized hail. We called it quits for the day after that.

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i'll go out in anything but lightning, i'll wait it out on shore then head out once it passes.

fished in a downpour in a little 14' fiberglass boat. Had 10" of water in the back of the boat when we trailered it!

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Very RARELY will weather force me to stay home. Some of my best outing have been with inclement weather approaching. I've learned to read the radar pretty well and know when to when.

bah.. the radar don't mean nothing.. especially down here in the mississippi valley/bluff country.. because the bluffs and river throws off the pressure storms bring.. i could look at the radar.. see us completely surrounded by green and there won't be a drop of rain for miles

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I have fished in just about any type of wind, rain, snow, gale, etc., but one thing I won't do anymore is fish when it is raining and cold 45 degrees and under. This type of weather takes any enjoyment of the sport right out of it for me.

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