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I was up over the weekend and everything is up and running at the resort! My boat is already in the water...did that on sunday, went for a little rip and caught a good splash WOW is that water cold! Lots of improvements. Got some nicer rental boats, putting screens with windows in the porches for those days when the wind is howling off the lake. put A/C in 3 of the cabins and the other 3 will get it next spring. They have really been busy. The cabin behind Joans has a new kitchen and really looks nice with all new varnish! Docks have been remodeled too.

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3 more weeks till my trip too! This will be my first year on Kab, hope it beats the last 4 on Sandpoint!

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Wade, you gonna be camping on an island/remote site or staying at a resort? If camping I can point you to some of the better campsites on Kab depending on when you are going.


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nice. Pine Tree is so well taken care of, its always nice to be up there even when the fishing slows down( ha!) how is the water level doing?

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Wade J.. Shoot me an e-mail, YOUR FIRST time on Kabby? wow! Get ready to be addicted. I am now 42 and when I got the disease of that lake was when I was 4.. Because of your signiture give me a shout "from one boater to another" and I will respond to you Sir. The lake taketh and givith, last year was the best in some time, we finally got the sauger bite back and they were great!! I'll be on the St. louis for opener and I'm also fishing the Grand Slam so I'll be around if you want to shoot the sh!t. The wife and and I will be staying at our friend's house on hwy 13 out of Superior. Thank You for your service....

Carmon.. aka.. Fins and Feathers!

[email protected]

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Thanks to all of you, yes, this will be my first time on Kab and I will be camping on a remote site. Hopefully an Island. I preffer the adventure of the tent camping and boating to the site over the resort trips.

Fins, E-mail sent your way.

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Seaner, the lake level is right where it should be for this time of the year. The water on the outside docks was down about 4 ft on Sunday and is coming up about 3/4 of an inch a day. The inside docks are going to have to beach it on opener but by memorial day I would expect them to be usable also.

Wade, There is one site called Windigo that is real nice behind rottenwood island. one on three sisters called happy landings that is nice too. There are a couple on woodenfrog island and then the one in moose bay is real nice also.


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Hey Wade,

We will be there on 12th of June out of Kab as well. We will be taking a boys youth group up. I am also in South Range, small world.

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