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Attention Span??


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My 20 month old shorthair has an attention span of about 2-3 minutes. When I take her out side to play, after about 2-3 minutes she could care less about fetching her ball, dummy,etc. Could she have ADD? There was never a problem last year hunting. She is 100% focused on hunting. But when it's throw and retrieve time, she seems to get bored. Thanks for the responses.

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A dog doesn't have much of an attention span and lots of dogs are like this. Keep your training sessions short and sweet and stop before the boredom sets in. Always end with the dog wanting more. Hunting and training are two different things.

As far as ADD, I'm not even going to go there.

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Shorthairs as a rule are very very smart dogs and we, as trainers need to be smarter then they are to keep them from getting bored. Use your gray matter and change you training to challenge you shorthair and keep it interesting. Good luck.

I also agree with the previous post. ADD I think not!


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