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Tamarac River


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Has anybody heard when the river will be open for fishing? It was closed early last year, but I haven't heard anything about this year.

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Barbelboy, I posted a similar question last week and got no reply at all.. Hopefully you will?

Maybe it's super top secret? Maybe nobody knows for sure?

Anyone? I'd hate to have to go ask on another forum..LOL!

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Well how I did'nt see that I do not know! Late addition maybe.

Anyhows thanks JP!! And thanks bak for pointing that out.

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I don't know if anyone knows for sure if the Tamarac will be open or closed for Fishing Opener. It all depends if the walleye are done spawning or not.

I do know that the 5 mph/No Wake speed limit on the Tamarac is now a law and it will be enforced.

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What are the odds it'll be opened up the weekend after? I may be headed your way the weekend after opener, nice place to get out of the wind ya know!!

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I see the "closed fishing" sign on the steel bridge says until May 8th.

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The fishery boys are currently taking a look at the status of the walleye spawn and are making the decision about how long the river will be closed from that assesment. Next few days we should know for sure.

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Got word yesterday from Tony our big lake specialist that the Tamarac River, Shotley Brook, and the Blackduck River will all be open. They had checked fish last Friday and the majority of the walleyes had spawned out.

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so does that mean the majority of fishermen/women will be fishing the [tamarac] river instead the big water come opener on Saturday?

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It all depends on Mother Nature, if it blows from the west it will be bumper boats in the river.

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It all depends on Mother Nature, if it blows from the west it will be bumper boats in the river.

I'd imagine...

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Anyone planning on going after the GATORS??? I would think that they ought to be close to what remains of the reeds and any other shallow cover available...

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I certainly will. Last time I was there for opener, 10 casts, 8 fish, anywhere from 24 inches to 42. That was about 3 years ago. I hope to reproduce that this year.

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hey fasternu i think you sold that car in your pictuer are remunising about it lol, hope you do well wish i could of made it with you n opener but well have to try to get togher the fallowing weekend if your around, good luck,

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