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Walleye Stamp.. mandatory? other stamps? (just a thought)


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So this new voluntary Walleye Stamp has got me thinking... do you think Minnesota should make it mandatory to purchase this stamp to target walleyes?.. just like trout stamps or Sturgeon tags?

Personally i think it should.. with trout stamp purchases MN DNR has been able to afford to stock SE MN streams to make it some of the best trout fishing in the US.. this year the DNR has added more designated streams(whether by extending designations or designating new streams) which means even more stocking and rehabilitation of local streams..

i remember reading an article about a steam that runs near The Mall Of America(maybe someone can name it for me) that was rehabilitated.. they were able to bring back native brook trout to the stream by cleaning it up and rebuilding the stream.. that's a pretty big step.. brooks being very picky with their water quality... and yet able to have brooks running in a stream that runs through the twin cities area..

I'm not holding this argument just for a Walleye stamp either.. i think MN should make a stamp for all game fish that the state stocks.. including pike/muskie and bass.. plus look on the flip side of fishing.. hunting.. you must purchase separate licenses for different game.. except small game(which technically in fishing terms would be panfish and lesser favored fish.. carp, suckers, bullheads, etc..) ... some would say this would be tough to manage.. but would it really be any tougher than managing trout fishermen.. or the new conservation license?

well.. what are your thoughts?

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Yikes, where are we headed?

Did we not just pass a sales tax increase for the "outdoors"? Maybe the state could use those funds. Oh that's right, the funds are also for the "arts", which of course was down played to get the bill passed.

Why not just make fishing reels that keep track of every cast and then a scanner reads the number when you come off the lake and auto debits your credit card?

Ok, having said all of this I think the voluntary stamps are the way to go. Gives a person the option if he has the bucks to put a little more towards his fav fish. Also allows the guy who has already been taxed up to his eyeballs to not contribute, but still get out and enjoy one of the best stress relieving past times this state has to offer.

BTW, I don't fish trout any more. I used to enjoy camping at WW State Park and would always bring a rod along. I would catch and release trout. I can't justify the cost for a two day outing to have to pay for the stamp along with the increased camping fees so I leave the rod at home and just enjoy the camping there.

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Itchmesir, I was going to post a note on here regarding the walleye stamp after I bought mine yesterday.

On Saturday I bought my family fishing license so I was ready for opener. I forgot to get the walleye stamp (I wanted to purchase one because I felt it was the right thing to do even though you don't need to) so I went back to the bait store yesterday to purchase the stamp. I gave the guy $5 and he gave me a receipt. I asked the owner where my stamp was and he said I would need to spend another $2 to have the state mail it to me.

Did anybody else buy one and run into this? In my mind, this stamp is not $5 but is now $7 for the stamp....


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Sometimes I really want to comment but then luckily realize some things are better kept to myself.

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I know it is only $2 but that is like making a donation to the Red Cross and then they would charge me for shipping and handling of my check/donation... That is not right.

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If they were to make the eye' stamp mandatory, IMO it should be mandatory to have the stamp only while fishing lakes that have received stocking or other financially intensive help from the DNR to support the fish population (i.e. Leech Lake). Up in northern MN there are hundreds of lakes full of walleyes that have never received a stocked fish, I don't think we should have to pay extra to fish them.


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anyone know why they only mail now, didnt they use to just have a bunch behind the counter before and if you bought one tossed on the license????

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If they were to make the eye' stamp mandatory, IMO it should be mandatory to have the stamp only while fishing lakes that have received stocking or other financially intensive help from the DNR to support the fish population (i.e. Leech Lake). Up in northern MN there are hundreds of lakes full of walleyes that have never received a stocked fish, I don't think we should have to pay extra to fish them.


Make everyone else pay except me.

If the lake has public boat landing that is funding right.

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Yes thats funding for the lake but not supporting the walleyes. I'm talking either direct stocking or things like cormorant shooting, etc. Just my 2 cents but if they do make it mandatory statewide I'll be happy to purchase it.

Otherwise make it like the trout stamp where you need it to keep fish but not fish for them. On non designated trout lakes, i.e. lakes that only have lakers, you can fish, but you can't keep the lakers you catch.


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I would like to see a panfish stamp. I think they receive a lot more fishing pressure than people realize, and a few bucks and some priority on that part of the fishery would affect the larger predators too.

Stocking probably isnt necessary in most cases, but better management of panfish would be a huge step forward IMO.

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Yikes, where are we headed?

Did we not just pass a sales tax increase for the "outdoors"? Maybe the state could use those funds. Oh that's right, the funds are also for the "arts", which of course was down played to get the bill passed.

Why not just make fishing reels that keep track of every cast and then a scanner reads the number when you come off the lake and auto debits your credit card?

Ok, having said all of this I think the voluntary stamps are the way to go. Gives a person the option if he has the bucks to put a little more towards his fav fish. Also allows the guy who has already been taxed up to his eyeballs to not contribute, but still get out and enjoy one of the best stress relieving past times this state has to offer.

BTW, I don't fish trout any more. I used to enjoy camping at WW State Park and would always bring a rod along. I would catch and release trout. I can't justify the cost for a two day outing to have to pay for the stamp along with the increased camping fees so I leave the rod at home and just enjoy the camping there.

Well for one.. i personally don't fish WW.. I think it's silly that someone should have to pay to be in a park to fish unless you plan on camping of course.. secondly.. i've probably fished for trout at least 20-30 days already this year.. if not more..

I don't see why it would be such a freak out(tracked casts? scanning? *rolleyes* extremists.. are you also stock piling swine flu shots? lol) .. as you seem to make it to make someone pay for a stamp for fish that are stocked and habitats that are built for them.. sure you could say "well not every habitat is built for walleye.. yadda yadda" but neither is the case for trout.. if you don't wanna target a stamped fish then there is no reason to buy a stamp then.. plus if the money is going to a good cause whats wrong with that? I don't fish for muskie but every year i give the extra $1 twords muskie(i cant remember exactly what it does.. i just know every year they ask if i want to donate it)

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Itchmesir, I was going to post a note on here regarding the walleye stamp after I bought mine yesterday.

On Saturday I bought my family fishing license so I was ready for opener. I forgot to get the walleye stamp (I wanted to purchase one because I felt it was the right thing to do even though you don't need to) so I went back to the bait store yesterday to purchase the stamp. I gave the guy $5 and he gave me a receipt. I asked the owner where my stamp was and he said I would need to spend another $2 to have the state mail it to me.

Did anybody else buy one and run into this? In my mind, this stamp is not $5 but is now $7 for the stamp....


Isn't this the case for most stamps? I know some are available at the counter, but isn't there an extra fee for the actual stamp?

There may be a difference if it's a Federal or State stamp.

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A co-worker and I were having a similar conversation yestereday. Not specifically about the walleye stamp, although that did come up, but just about the cost of a fishing license in general.

I know this is a controversial subject, everything seems to be going up these days, and with the economic state we are in, more and more of us are in tune with what things cost.

I respect everybodies opinion, but I just bought the fishing license for the family yesterday. Paid $26 for a combination fishing license. That covers me, my wife and 2 kids. Break that down and it is only $6.50 each to fish for the entire year.

Seems pretty cheap to me. I personally would pay more, if it meant better fishing. I do realize not everyone fishes as much as my family does, but still.

I totally forgot about the walleye stamp for this year, but will definetely be making the purchase the next time I am at the outdoor store.

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The husband/wife combination only covers you and your wife. Under 16 no license required. Over 16 they need thier own licence. Changes the math to $13.00 each, still a bargain.

Only point it out because a group that stays at the same resort as us every August insists thier "family license" covers all imediate family regardless of age. We've showed them the regs. but they disagree with our interpretation.

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is it no license required, or they are covered because I bought a license?

My kids are both under 16, but if I hadn't bought a license would they still beable to fish?

either way, my family of 4 fishes the whole year for $26.

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I agree with you itchmesir. Personally, I rarely target Walleyes but would gladly pay the additional 5 dollars if that meant better stocking/management of that species.

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I agree with you itchmesir. Personally, I rarely target Walleyes but would gladly pay the additional 5 dollars if that meant better stocking/management of that species.

I have no problem buying the stamp.I mean how long will it be before buying the stamp to keep a Walleye is mandatory?? I doubt that it will take very long for this to happen. Next year?? Maybe the following year?? What I would like to see is nobody else sticking there fingers into the pot for other causes. Seems like this happens alot.

Something else to think about is, How about makeing the stamp mandatory for Non resident fishermen? And keeping it a voluntary thing for residents? Just a thaught..

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The whole idea seems like a good idea to me, eventhough I rarely fish the critter that, according to the DNR, the average angler spends 3.5 hours fishing for every one they catch. The state is basically saying "hey, we can invest more money and do the scientific leg work for you and your family to catch more fish IF you want to donate some money to the cause." Whats wrong with that???

Five bucks hardly seems out of the question. The $2 to get the stamp in your hands just keeps little bait shop employee thieves from taking them all. The $2 also allows all of that $5 to go towards the cause. Imagine the cost of design, printing, distribution, and cost of stocking every store with stamps that people MIGHT BUY. Sorry, DU logic coming through there.

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Originally Posted By: pegleg
Itchmesir, I was going to post a note on here regarding the walleye stamp after I bought mine yesterday.

On Saturday I bought my family fishing license so I was ready for opener. I forgot to get the walleye stamp (I wanted to purchase one because I felt it was the right thing to do even though you don't need to) so I went back to the bait store yesterday to purchase the stamp. I gave the guy $5 and he gave me a receipt. I asked the owner where my stamp was and he said I would need to spend another $2 to have the state mail it to me.

Did anybody else buy one and run into this? In my mind, this stamp is not $5 but is now $7 for the stamp....


Isn't this the case for most stamps? I know some are available at the counter, but isn't there an extra fee for the actual stamp?

There may be a difference if it's a Federal or State stamp.

Yes 2 dollars more for the Actual stamp if you want it. 5 dollars if you just want to donate to the stocking portion. I passed on the Pictorial Stamps for Trout and State Pheasant this year but paid the extra $2 for the actual Walleye Stamp..

It's volentary...

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From page 7 of the MN fishing regulations online:

* All residents age 15 and younger are allowed to take thier own limit of fish without purchasing a license.

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I took the extra 5 on the walleye stamp. Guess we will see if the money is well spent and if not I will not purchase in years to come.

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Originally Posted By: metrojoe
Originally Posted By: pegleg
Itchmesir, I was going to post a note on here regarding the walleye stamp after I bought mine yesterday.

On Saturday I bought my family fishing license so I was ready for opener. I forgot to get the walleye stamp (I wanted to purchase one because I felt it was the right thing to do even though you don't need to) so I went back to the bait store yesterday to purchase the stamp. I gave the guy $5 and he gave me a receipt. I asked the owner where my stamp was and he said I would need to spend another $2 to have the state mail it to me.

Did anybody else buy one and run into this? In my mind, this stamp is not $5 but is now $7 for the stamp....


Isn't this the case for most stamps? I know some are available at the counter, but isn't there an extra fee for the actual stamp?

There may be a difference if it's a Federal or State stamp.

Yes 2 dollars more for the Actual stamp if you want it. 5 dollars if you just want to donate to the stocking portion. I passed on the Pictorial Stamps for Trout and State Pheasant this year but paid the extra $2 for the actual Walleye Stamp..

It's volentary...

I guess why not call the walleye stamp $7 then when the DNR advertises it? You don't need the validation to fish for walleyes - they gave me a paper receipt for the validation. It is only $2 but it is just the principle of it to get the stamp being you already donated $5 to the cause.

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Im going to sit this out (waleye stamp purchase) for this year and see where the monies truely get spent ,,,I buy a trout stamp and fish Lake Superior to catch trout and salmon but the state has dropped stocking in Lake Superior


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I think we're nit-picking and a bit paranoid here guys.

And again its voluntary.

The stamp validation is $5. For $2 more, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will mail the actual artistic collector’s stamp to your home....K?

The money goes directly to walleye stocking and other directly related activities.

So far only about a 1,000 of us have bought the Stamp if that helps you skeptical types... grin


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I bought the walleye stamp or validation and it doesn't even show up as a line item on my license. I bought my license at Joe's in St. Paul and the clerk said it will only show up on my receipt.

Not that it really matters. I just think its an indication that the administartion of this stamp isn't very well thought out. $2 to mail a $5 stamp?? Hand them out to the retailers and let them give them to the customers when they purchase them. The stamp isn't a requirement so it has no street value. There is no risk of loss etc.

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MN doesn't give out any stamps anymore. They validate the license when necessary and give you the option of purchasing the actual stamp. Think of what the purpose of the stamp is. All stamps sold are for management of the species or habitat, not to give out stamps. With ELS the DNR was able to trim the fat on production costs for stamps, and put that money into the resource instead of collectibles. Most stamps are advertised as extra $2 for stamp to be mailed.

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You would at least think they would show the "walleye stamp" validation on your license.

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