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I debated posting this but I have an issue right now that is really stressing me out and I thought I'd see if anybody has any advice for me. My wife and I found out recently (April) that some neighbors of ours a few houses away can't stand us. Well apparently it revolves around their dislike for our oldest son. The thing is he is a good kid and has never interacted with these people since they moved into our neighborhood. They are going on hear-say and rumors started about him from another teenager that lives in the neighborhood. I won't name names but our neighbors are a married couple with some kids of their own. Well I spoke to the dad a couple of weeks ago and thought we had any issues ironed out. Then I come to find that the wife went to the school where my wife teaches and was making crazy accusations against her. She also apparently posted some things about my son on the internet on facebook. This is way out of line in my opinion and I'm not really sure I should do the direct communication thing anymore since I'm not so sure how well balanced they are, or at least the wife anyway. It also didn't work the 1st time.

My question is this, do I have any legal legs to stand on as far as defimation of character/harrasment or anything like that? I have confirmed with at least 1 other neighbor that the wife has been talking to them about her intense dislike for us and my son. I'm in a quandry of what to do and quite frankly am starting to worry for the saftey of my kids. Any advice from other FMers?

Thanks ~piker

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I would contact a lawyer and ask him these same things. Sounds like a mess...hope everyhting turns out o.k.

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Contact the lawyer or the police. If they are spreading untrue this about your wife and son and will not stop that is harrasment and a police report will be made about it and any charges from later events will steam from that first call to the police. I agree with you not to confront them anymore, bring the authorities into it. Hope everything turns out for the best!!

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Make sure you copy and get a witness of the facebook page.

Good luck.

It looks like someone hasn't been taking there meds.

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Agree'd with replies above.

I would suggest not going any further on this post as it could be used against you.

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