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Scott K

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I would love to see him in a Packers jersey again but anybody with a brain knows that will not happen!!! I just wanna see him play somewhere close so I can watch him in person again!! As long as its not with the Bears I will be happy!! And as far as being washed up- NOT EVEN CLOSE!! Do you even watch football 4wandering??? Or are your eyes wondering around too much.

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My eyes do wander, but I do watch football fairly close. I would rather have almost any upcoming QB, then any outgoing QB. A young QB can only get better, and be our possible future long term QB An old QB, that is at the end of his career, is only going to get worse as the year passes. I want a QB for years to come, we have a good team for about 3-4 years, if we can get a QB for them years. Favre isnt the guy.

If Favre hasn't had surgery, there isn't a chance the Vike's would sign him, and there are no indications he had any surgeries. So it is doubtful The Vike's are going to sign him.

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The NFL is a win NOW league. Favre gives them the best chance at that. I don't see the "future" q-back on the Vikes right now so it would be no big deal to bring him in and win as many games as he's got left. As Chicago has shown, free agency can get you a franchise type q-back but it is very spendy. By bringing him in, you may get the extra time needed to find that "future" q-back and be contenders to go deep in the play-offs as well. I would love to see Favre operate against teams with 8 in the box. I would also love to see AP run the ball without 8 in the box. It's pick your poison with an experienced q-back and that's precisely what we would get with him.

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If he wants to come here, the Vikings would be foolish to not sign Brett Favre. I hope it happens!

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Brian, he's closer to being a washed up QB than a SuperBowl QB.

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It'll never happen fellas. No point getting in a big stink over it, truth is, he is a has been, his career is over, and chilly is in love with Tjack. We are just going to have to face it for one more year, let's see a list of QB's that will be free agents after this year, maybe they are holding off for something better. Yeah right I don't think they have it in 'em.

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i could see sage bringing us to a superbowl....i could see favre doing it to....i definatly could see t-awesome working at burger king!!

no one can say if sage is the answer or not the answer...he's only 31 and could be a solid qb for another 7 years...or even 4-5 years....not like AP is gonna be the best RB forever anyway...we have about 4-5 years to get it done then our window closes...if we didn't have AP and jared i wouldn't even think our team was very good to be honest.

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Jerricho Cotchery, Laverneus Coles(who was lame most if not all the season), then something named Chanci Stuckey, Brad Smith, Wallace Wright, David Clowney rounding out your NYJ wide reciever roster. Coles in his prime didnt have that talent P. Harvin is bringing to the Purple.

As for a TE on the Jets they have a promising young TE Dustin Keller, something named Chris Baker, and a very old looking Bubba Franks; nobody better that what Shianco showed last year at receiving.

Thomas Jones is a NFL caliber running back, but I doubt he is better than our backup RB Chester Taylor.

Thats what Farve had to work with in New York, coming in late to training camp learning a new playbook/system and injuring his arm partway through the season....its a wonder he performed as good as he did statistically speaking.

Yeah we dont need Farve...we'll take T-Jack about the 4th week when Sage gets hurts and watch Chili pare the playbook down to 5 basic pass plays and half the field....sounds like fun football to watch. Farve plays hurt or not....you cant question his heart.

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thomas jones is a toolbag....here's what favre can do to help out a non-exsistant running game.

jones 07- 310 attempts, 1119 yards, 69.9 y/g, 1 td,

jones 08 with favre-, 290 attempts, 1312 yards, 82 y/g, 13 td's

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Favre "may" have more to bring to the table then what we have, but I still dont want the Drama King playing for the Vike's. Just like I didn't want Barry Bonds to play for the Twins, even though he may have helped us win a championship.

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Well, as a Packers fan I very much enjoyed watching Favre play for the Pack all those years. I could care less whether he plays for the Vikes now. If he's no longer a Packer, I no longer root for his team.

Favre in purple, though, would definitely add a bit more edge to the Pack-Vikes rivalry. gringrin

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Favre sent a text message to Trent Dilfer saying "NO" when asked if he was going to return. Everyone can take a deep breath now.

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You can take a deep breath, but with the drama queen, you only have to hold it for about 30 seconds and he'll change his mind.

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You call him a drama queen but you have no problem talking about him all the time!! Kind of funny huh???

Heres the facts: Vikings will never win the Super Bowl because they will never have an OK QB. No descent QB will ever go to the Vikings because they are boring!! Their coach is terrible, they run a terrible offense, their stadium sucks, their fans cant even go to games, and did I mention their coach is a dink!!!

Now if they pick up a "BIG DRAMA QUEEN" like Favre all that goes away for the time he is there!! Maybe you should change that from "big drama queen" to the most watched football player to ever live and most talked about too!! Favre cant help it that everyone wants to talk about him!! Blame the media and people like you.

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ESPN's Ed Werder reports that free agent Brett Favre will meet Vikings coach Brad Childress late this week to discuss a possible return.

Werder, citing a source with "direct knowledge of discussions," says Favre and Childress will meet at an undisclosed location. Favre will decide whether to come out of retirement shortly thereafter. The Vikings are expected to ask Favre to participate in all pre-training camp workouts, which he typically doesn't like to do. Childress also figures to ask about Favre's torn biceps, which sapped his arm strength and accuracy last season.

Related: Packers, Vikings


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It's a done deal now. If he truly wanted to "retire", he would not even agree to show for this meeting. Slim chance, IMO, that he's not in Purple this Fall.

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I'm thinking Super Bowl if Favre signs on. Let's all keep our fingers crossed and hope for the return of the Favre!!!

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You call him a drama queen but you have no problem talking about him all the time!! Kind of funny huh???
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Buddy just called to say Deanna Favre is at The Local right now tipping a few back. No sign of the other Mrs. Favre that must be meeting with Chilly right now.

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Good luck, still have to face the Cards and Fitzgerld with Warner tossing!!

No big deal.

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This also came out today concerning that "NO" to Trent Dilfer.

Evidently, Brett Favre enjoys fibbing to trent Dilfer. One report says he's talking to the Vikings about playing.

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Yeah ESPN is reporting Favre and Chilly are to meet later this week. OMG!!!!!!!!!!

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any QB in the league would like to play for the vikes right now...even steve young said he'd come out of retirement to play for us.

if most of the studs stay healthy i wouldn't doubt a superbowl either if we sign favre....if favre gets hurt we got sage...t-awesome can sit on his thumb and cheer with some pom poms.

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This is great!! And here I was expecting more "crow" talk this upcoming season debating if T-Jack should be a starter and comparing his stats to Tom Brady. hehe.gif Ialways, Ialways, Ialwayslovethatone..

The mileage we'll get out of this..... grin

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I have no doubt ALL of the Vikings fans here will be chanting Favre, Favre, Favre, Favre, Favre, Favre, Favre this coming fall and winter!!!!!

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If you're a fan of a team and the team hires a quarterback, and that quarterback helps the team to success, you gotta get behind the quarterback or you're not a fan.

Right? gringringrin

It would be a tremendous irony if the poor Vikes, who could never win a Super Bowl in four tries, finally put the ring on their finger with the help of their old nemesis. It would be good for many a chortle from this Packers fan. gringrin

Well, maybe not too many. If the Vikes win, it means the Pack didn't. frownfrown

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If the Vikings sign Favre, I will stand behind my QB and cheer him on, I won't like it much but he would be part of the team.

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