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Scott K

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Jets waived QB Brett Favre off their reserve/retired list.

This could mean nothing, or it could mean something. Players waived off the retired list become free agents, and there have been some rumors lately that Favre is contemplating a return. Something had to spur this transaction, because the Jets would've just left Favre on reserve/retired otherwise. It's possible Favre wants to sign a one-day contract to retire as a Packer. It's also possible that the Vikings want him again.

Source: Newark Star-Ledger

Related: Packers, Vikings

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Yeah sign the one day thing with Green Bay and retire. We don't need to further the QB questions we already have.

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In my opinion, at the end of last year, Farve was no better than anything we already have. A year ago I would have said sign him up, but it seem like he lost a few steps last year. Hopefully he stays retired this time.

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I'd take an old Favre any day over TJack or Sage! End of last year he was injured. I would love to see him in purple just to stick it to the cheeseheads! shocked

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I agree 100%! I was always forced to cheer against him due to the purple in my blood, but have always admired the way he played.

Any way to jab the "CHEESIES" to the east I am all for it

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I'd take an old Favre any day over TJack or Sage! End of last year he was injured. I would love to see him in purple just to stick it to the cheeseheads! shocked

Me too....... if things go bad I fully expect old number 4 to come walking through the storied halls of the Metrodome!

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Let me start out by saying that I'm on both sides of the fence...

Didn't we pull Cunningham out of retirement a few years back? That didn't go to badly, did it?




Thinking about Favre in purple still turns my stomach sour, but if that tendon in his arm is healed up, it could really be something...

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This is awesome!!! Roger is gonna get hurt and they are gonna call up the old gun slinger!! I CANT WAIT!! Im putting on a number 4 jersey tonight!!

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regardless if he comes back for any team, this means there is a possibility that madden will come back too

best case scenario they both stay retired smile

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I don't doubt the Vikes take a really hard look at him again this year. It would be alot of fun to have him as our q-back just for the hype and build-up leading into the season and especially during Packer week. He is still better than anything we have on our roster but time may have healed his need for revenge against the Pack. As for him returning to the Packers...all bridges between Mississippi and Green Bay have been burned down.

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Did Favre ever go in and get his shoulder taken care of? I thought he was looking at some surgery if he wanted to come back and play again.

At the end of last year he was throwing up garbage. His arm is pretty much shot at this point.

I think with our defense we need a guy who can manage the game and not turn the ball over. Thats not Favre. He's a gun slinger not a game manager.

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Bring him in!!! Lets go....Vikings would be contenders right off the bat. Don't think that Farve won't get knee deep in the receivers butts if they don't run stuff right, drop balls, or are just bad. Petersen would be turning cartwheels knowing there wasn't an entire defense waiting for him. What would play action do after Petersen busts about 120 yds? Fake to AP, throw deep to Harvin. Defenses wouldn't know what was coming at them. Now it will be, stop the run, hit TJack in the mouth a few times and watch him fall apart.

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Bring him in!!! Petersen would be turning cartwheels knowing there wasn't an entire defense waiting for him. What would play action do after Petersen busts about 120 yds? Fake to AP' date=' throw deep to Harvin. Defenses wouldn't know what was coming at them. quote']

The problem is that in reality it would be... fake handoff to AP, throw deep to Harvin, oh Favre under throws Harvin, the Bears pick it off take it back for an easy 6.

I would have taken Favre last year but his season with the Jets really showed his age. His cannon arm is starting to fire more duds then bombs these days and its only going to get worse.

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He's a gun slinger not a game manager.

This is one of the best quarterback's to ever play the game. If he can't manage a game, I don't think he would have had the success that he's had over the years.

I say bring him and make Booty give up his jersey. I would love to see him in purple. I have a feeling that Bus Cook has already hit the Chilly speed dial on his cell phone. I think he is as good or better than any qb we have now...what have we got to loose?? There is no chance of giving up draft picks now to aquire him, just the salary that he would want.

Can you imagine if he came to Minnesota and then we sweep the pack this year. I could see old #4 doing that just to stick it to McCarthy and Thompson. Especially if he could take us to the big game and win it. I'm excited, this year I hope he DOES un-retire!!!

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Favre has now said multiple times that he is not going to return to the NFL. Even though we have all heard this before from him, I think it might just be the real deal now.

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Of course Favre has had a great career but his style of play was based on his ability to sling the ball around from any place on the field. His big arm is what made him what great, but without the big arm then what do you have?

Favre is just to much of a gambler, always has been and always will be. You don't lead the NFL in career interceptions if you are a prototypical game manager. That comes from gun slinging/gambling. In his prime he had enough other skills to make up for the INT's but as his skills fall off you are left with just the INT's.

We need someone to limit turnovers, pick up key first downs with his arm when needed and be just profficent enough with the deep ball to keep the defense honest.

I think the Packers are pretty content with Rogers at QB. I don't think they would be too upset if Favre came back to play for the Vikes. I'm sure they have a few guys on defense that would love to tee off on Favre.

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This is awesome!!! Roger is gonna get hurt and they are gonna call up the old gun slinger!! I CANT WAIT!! Im putting on a number 4 jersey tonight!!

Dye it Purple First!!!

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It wouldnt be worth anything if I died it purple!!! If Favre came back a queen I would still spend the 75 bucks on a jersey. I have an extra kick in my step today after I found out he was released!! Im gonna say he is gonna make a come back!!!

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few things to think about

favre wouldn't be asked to throw the ball 35-40 times a game like he's had to do his whole career...around here you toss it up 20-25 times a game.

this defense is a way better defense then he's had backing him in years if not ever.

our running game would be the best he's ever played with.

he wouldn't wear down towards the end of the season as a vike...he's a way better qb then any of the other 39-40 yr old qbs playing the game right now.

last but not least the best part would be it would make t-awesome the 3rd qb on the depth chart!!

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He really hasn't done anything this time...yet The Jets simply released him...stay tuned tough. All the talk is media/hype related.

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C'mon just one more year in a Purple #4 Jersey no less!!! You have to admit the Vikes / Pack games would be some of the most watched games of the season.

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