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Scott K

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The bottom line is this: If Favre had no intention of coming back he could walk down his driveway and tell the 20 reporters waiting there that he isn't coming back and then they would all go away. He hasn't done that. Why???? Because he wants to play again if everything works out right.

and he loves to hear and see his name all over and get this extra attention. Since Madden is retired he should just go down to Kiln, MS and do play by play of what Favre does.

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Free agent Brett Favre has reportedly begun working out at Oak Grove High School in Hattiesburg (MS).

Favre did this last year, then went on to play for the Jets. The school's team chaplain observed, "His arm is there. He's had the same problem with his left arm that he's having with his right. Looking at him throwing, you can't tell there's anything wrong." A close friend of Favre, the chaplain added, "He really sees Minnesota as a legitimate team that can go all the way."

Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune

Related: Vikings

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Mark my words boys..........He's going to be a Viking!!!!!

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you stud, i dont think hes a young stud, hes not going to win a championship playing the way he played last year. If Farve comes to play as a vik, which i think he will, its going to he a awesome year for the Viks with him as there QB. Why would you now want a pro bowl hall of famer QB on your side?

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I am going to cancel all my deer hunts when farve comes to town, just so I can make it down to the home games. I don't want to miss this if it happens.

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Because he is a "has been" pro bowl hall of famer!

I don't want Dan Marino, Joe Montana, or even John Elway on the Viking's either!

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i think they should wait till mike vick gets out of prison! go after him.

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Why is it that Favre wants to play here so bad yet we could not score or trade for a stud QB if that is the missing piece?

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Well I got my tickets off [YouNeedAuthorization] for the Game in GreenBay Nov. 1st. Favre or no Favre them tickets will be tough to get your hands on. Being a Vikes fan I love going there for that game. The fans ther are very nice to us, and its a BLAST!!

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Funny, as in Ha Ha funny!

I know some people are tired of Brett Favre, but I just can't understand why. Cut him some slack. It's his time of year!

What we need in our lives, quite clearly, is much more Brett Favre.

It's true, Favre has been pondering retirement, as far as I can tell, since he was drafted. He's in, he's out, he's in, he's out — I can't tell if he wants to play football or do the hokey pokey. Boxers are losing patience with him.

But it's not easy being more important than every other player in the NFL.

I want Favre to send an X-ray of his shoulder to every media outlet in the United States. Then, after we all take the X-ray to the nearest shoulder specialist, who will of course pronounce him perfectly healthy, I want Favre to say, Oops! Wrong shoulder! And we'll all laugh at this hilarious mistake, and then Favre will get an X-ray of his other shoulder, and well do it all again: media outlets, shoulder specialists, etc.

I want constant Twitter updates from Favre and agent Bus Cook. (@Favre: Eating pancakes & bacon ..... still love the game!)

Let's watch Favre come back to play for the Vikings, retire during training camp, return for the second preseason game, apologize to "my good friends Sarge Rosenfeld and Travis Jackson." In exchange, the Vikings will erect a statue of Favre outside the Metrodome; the statue will feature him in a blank helmet, huddling with Bus Cook.

Then, after leading the Vikings to the absolute brink of being as good as they were last year, Favre can retire again. And then he can hold a tearful press conference, thank the assembled media in his usual charming way, walk out then walk back in and say he is coming back! And he'll laugh and we'll all pretend we knew he was joking.

THE FAVRE FILES Favre buzz: Fan of Brett Favre's on-again, off-again retirement? First, get help. Second, here's our special all-Favre news wire. More ...

Marvez: If you think the Favre saga is over, you're wrong. Get ready for a few months of indecision. More ...

Glazer: Favre and the Vikings? That's the latest chapter in the long-running QB soap opera. More ...

Marvez: When Favre retired in February, we warned you not to believe what we were hearing. More ...

Relive some of the best Favre moments from his Packer days (remember them?), plus Favre through the years.

And then we'll watch him do his retirement dance over to yet another team. Do you realize there then would be 28 NFL cities without the privilege of cheering for Favre? How have they survived this long without ol' No. 4?

So Favre will move on to San Francisco and Seattle and Houston, and maybe a few others, until his arm starts to fall off and he starts to throw interceptions in his Wrangler commercials. This will just prove how much he loves football.

I'm getting chills down my spine just thinking about all that hemming and hawing. This is what America needs right now. All Favre, all the time.

You might not think Favre is worth the fuss.

You might point out that Favre's numbers last year (22 touchdowns, 22 interceptions, 81.0 passer rating) were no better than David Garrard's (15, 13, 81.7).

You might point out that Favre was the 21st-rated quarterback in the NFL last year.

You might point out that Favre has had one Pro Bowl-quality year since 2004.

You might point out that when first-year starter Aaron Rodgers replaced Favre, the Packers did not seem to miss an offensive beat. You might even point out that the quarterback who replaced Favre (Rodgers) and the quarterback Favre replaced (Chad Pennington) both had better years than he did.

And I suppose that you might point out that the last team to acquire Favre, the New York Jets, ended the season without a playoff berth or a quarterback and fired its head coach.

Yeah, you might point all that out if you want your taxes audited! Otherwise, put a sock in it, pal.

We live in the United States of Favre. Someday, you'll wish he played for your team. Someday, he will.

Courtesy of Fox Sports

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

It's all just talk by the media, my friends...JUST TALK and SPECULATION.

Anyone who is reading this and complaining about all the Favre talk, think about this: you clicked on the Favre link to soak more of it up didn't you?

That's why the media is going off on it because you love the drama they create using what Favre "may or may not do".

It's no fun just waiting until Favre or the Vikes actually say something concrete. It's much better, with a lot more drama, to invent news snippets, speculate and make predictions.

My prediction and speculation:

Of course he's going to be a Viking if he's healthy and better than the two QBs we have competing for the number 1 spot now..

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Because he is a "has been" pro bowl hall of famer!

I don't want Dan Marino, Joe Montana, or even John Elway on the Viking's either!

Do you forget he made it to the pro bowl last year???? Your eyes most have been wandering again!! Pay more attention!!

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Oh the "Pro Bowl", is that the best way to judge how a QB does? No, wait that is a popularity contest, thats right!

What was Favres QB rating last year? Wasn't he just below T-Jack? How did Favre finish the year? Did he lead his team to the playoffs? How many Int's did he have again? How old is he? Well at least he can still scramble, Wait, no he cant! His career was on his arm, at least he still has his passing arm, wait nope not that either! Well, maybe he can't scramble any more, and with his sore arm he won't be able to make deep passes, but he can rely on his other strength, his accuracy, hmm.. Not that one either. Okay I am out of reasons why we should get him now shocked

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You forgot he had the best QB rating in the NFL before his arm got hurt!! If it wasnt for that, the Jets would have gone far into the playoffs!! What it comes down to is his arm in good shape??? If it is he could carry just about any team to a winning record. Even the vikes. You vikings fan should want number 4 no matter what his name is!! It should be about the team not just one player!!

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LOL I forgot!! Nobody has asked if Booty is gonna give his jersey up if the real number 4 plays for the queens!!

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I don't think JD will be on the roster if they sign Favre so #4 will be free for the taking.

Also I think just about any QB in the league could lead us to a winning season. Afterall T-Jack and Old Man Gus did it last year, if they can do it then it can't be that hard.

Just sign Favre already. Either he'll be a success and it will be a fun season to watch or he'll stink it up we'll have a horrible season and chilly loses his job. its a win-win situation if you ask me.

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Oh the "Pro Bowl", is that the best way to judge how a QB does? No, wait that is a popularity contest, thats right!

What was Favres QB rating last year? Wasn't he just below T-Jack? How did Favre finish the year? Did he lead his team to the playoffs? How many Int's did he have again? How old is he? Well at least he can still scramble, Wait, no he cant! His career was on his arm, at least he still has his passing arm, wait nope not that either! Well, maybe he can't scramble any more, and with his sore arm he won't be able to make deep passes, but he can rely on his other strength, his accuracy, hmm.. Not that one either. Okay I am out of reasons why we should get him now shocked

Try and step back from the situation and put aside any bias, then look at it as maybe a one year opportunity. Now in that one year window what is more likely to happen? T-Jack or Sage are going to totally prove everyone one wrong and have a career years and lead this team to victory. Or would a healthy but very old Farve pull a little magic out of his hat to have one more great season.

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Try and step back from the situation and put aside any bias, .

I dont want to grin

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Once Favre puts on the purple all of this negativity will change for the better. Favre will be a Viking this season.

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LOL I forgot!! Nobody has asked if Booty is gonna give his jersey up if the real number 4 plays for the queens!!

Usually when that situation comes up they give the other guy something to give up his jersey. I remember someone gave the Eagles punter a trip to Disney World for him and his family to get his number. I think Booty will stay and they will trade Jackson if Favre comes here.

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Wow!! You think they will get rid of T-Jack??? I thought he was the future of the Vikings???

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If its up to Chili, I believe T-Jack will be around for awhile yet even if Farve does sign.

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Vikings should pick up Mike Holmgren as a coach!!

That's the best idea I've heard out of anyone on this thread!!!

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Or Shanahan

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