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I guess I thought of this because of the discussion on Lake Crystal and the fact that I can't get myself to eat anything out of there. I won't because of how utterly disgusting it gets and the signs the DNR puts up in the summer.

I'm not even sure that the lake contains anything more harmful than other local waters...

However, I do eat walleye out of the river. (MN and Blue Earth) I'm trusting my brother in-law on this one. He told me that the river cleans itself more efficiently because of moving water and sediment. Since he works for the DNR, I've taken his advice.

I still only eat fish rarely. (less than once a month)

Are there bodies of water you won't eat fish out of?

...probably the rivers...haha

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I do about the same as you I limit my meals out of the Sippi to one meal a month. I usually only eat fish from one lake and only in the winter and early spring, but I would be weary of eating fish from Crystal but I'm sure it's fine.

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From the sippi I'm a bit hesitant to keep any eyes or saugers much over a pound & a half. I don't have any problems eating some of the smaller 15-18's but anything bigger than that I generally toss back. Same goes for the stripers or pike. Some of those fish just get too big and have been in that water a bit too long for me to consider keeping. With that being said I do eat plenty of river fish but still don't serve it back to back for any fish fries.

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Isn't it still the most polluted river in the state?

I believe that title goes to the Le Sueur River now.

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15 years ago the Mn river was one of the most Polluted river in the cuntry (top 3).


Lake crystal's Unrestricted in the eating of Walleye and Crappies for the General Population.

Interesting... Although a LOT can change in 15yrs with a body of water that is flowing if the proper actions are taken. I wonder if they have?

I can't believe that statement about Lake Crystal. Is blue green algae not contaminating fish? The cause of the algae?

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Are there restrictions on how much you can eat out of the LeSeur - like Catfish?

Mongo, I have been eating fish out of the Le Sueur my entire life and look how I turned out! O.k. maybe not the best example? confused

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So - you have no additional quasi-humanoid appendages, digits and/or orifices?

Good deal. Pass me another Cat fillet....

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So - you have no additional quasi-humanoid appendages, digits and/or orifices?

No just an abnormally large head and small brain! Just ask my wife!

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Most fish consumption it geared to women. Mercury and other contaminates build up in the fat tissue of whoever eats the fish. If a young girl eats a lot of contaminated fish and has a High mercury content in there system, when she has a baby , that baby will start life with the same mercury content in its system as the mother had at the time of birth. So you see how this could snow ball after a few generations of girl children.

If your over 50, fish consumption shouldn’t be a major concern but something to think about.

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I don't have any specific lakes that I won't eat fish out of but I will not keep any from lakes that have the blue-green algae running rampant at the time. I won't fish them when they're like this also. Some of those lakes in the summer might include: Tetonka, Elysian, Crystal, Lura, just to name a few. I have and do eat fish out of these systems at other times of the year. I rarely keep any fish at all to eat around here past June so it's really a non-factor for me.

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I rarely eat fish from this area. They don't taste that great, especially from June on into summer and fall.

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