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Just some thoughts about mothers...

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With mother's day coming around the corner, I just wanted to drop a thought here for you all...

My mother passed away this past July from a very very wicked disease called Multiple Sclorosis. She was only 48 yrs. old, and had suffered from MS for over 20 years. Before she was diagnosed, my parents had my sister. The year before I was born she was diagnosed and was advised not to have any more children by her doctor. But, my dad and mother knew that God had something else planned. So outside of the consent of the doctor, my mom became pregnant with me. Through this pregnancy, my mother's disease quickly worsened and she lost the ability to be able to use various motor skills. Even though she knew this would probably happen, she put her selfish feelings behind her, and withought that, I wouldn't even be here.

Growing up, my mother still was able to fill the mother role perfectly, despite her disease. Her MS condition slowly went downhill year after year, very gradually. As a kid growing up, I knew my mother was different, but I never could grasp the real situation. I had no idea or even thought about what she must be going through, yet she never let her kids see her frustrations. I can't remember her even swearing once at her disease, or blaming God for what he had done. She just made the best of every situation that she encountered, never even complaining.

By the time I had almost graduated high school, reality was getting a lot clearer for me. My mothers condition had gone from the full use of three of her four limbs, to zero. Even her speach and eating abilities had to start to decrease. Through this, my mother's appearance changed quite a bit. Her weight would fluctuate based on the meds that she was taking, and the food we would feed her. The thing about MS is that it destroys your physical abilities to walk, drive, or do anything, but your mind is still capeable of doing quite a few things. NOBODY that hasn't expirienced this could ever imagine that feeling. Yet, she would still sing hymns while she lay in bed, helpless.

Sorry, i'm not trying to write a depressing story or get any sympathy (her death was actually a very good thing because of her faith), i'm just trying to express how much my mother meant to me. I never knew growing up what trials she had to go through. But now as I grow up, I am starting to have similar trials except without the huge burden of MS. Through these, I am starting to understand just what kind of example she was. There isn't a day that goes by now where I don't think about having to live the same day in her shoes, and everyday I learn and understand and hold tight each and every blessing that God has given us, even if it is as simple as walking.

I know that when she was alive, mother's day weekend was typically fishing opener first, mothers second. I would just like to challenge you and make sure that you realize your priorities before it is too late, unlike me. Mothers are much more than what people give them credit for. Make sure this mother's day you give your mother full credit and show her how much you love her...

Miss ya mom!

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Very touching story. While reading it I could only think about my own mom who had passed away with a similar type of story. Although for my mother it was diabetes and not MS, I know what you mean EXACTLY.

Thank you for sharing her story and your own going through it with her. I do know what it is like. Thanks again.

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Excellent post!

My mother has the unfortunate luck to have been born on May 14th, thus Mother's Day, her birthday and the opener would be at the same time. I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do for Mother's Day as I won't be fishing that weekend. Any suggestions would help.

On top of the fact that my mom is an RN working 3rd shift 5-6 days every 2 weeks (I know it doesn't sound like much), 2 of those days being weekends. But being over 70 to me is quite amazing but not as much as she has been daycare provider for the past 9yrs after my first was born. Both of my parents were there for me when I was fighting for custody of my kids but mom has been there to help me: whether it is driving my boys to and from school every day. Making sure the kids work on homework and usually helping them until I pick them up.

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You are blessed young man with your Mothers courage, strength, wisdom and most of all, her Love. Your words speak of it.

Have a great Mothers day, if only in thought, forever.

Warmest Regards...

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Very well written! Take nothing for granted, especially momma!!!

Thanks for sharing.

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