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Question for the married folks...

Ralph Wiggum

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This will be the first year I can purchase the husband/wife combo license. Do we both need to be present to buy it, or can I get it without her there?

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You don't both need to be there but I can't remember if you need either her b-date, SSN or DL #. I'm sure someone will chime in on this.

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She does not need to be there, you just need to know her DOB and vitals....just remember to have her sign it right away.

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I could've sworn for the first time married license you have to know their SSN. After the first year, if you bring your old one with you, then its real easy to take care of and nothing to change.

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I could've sworn for the first time married license you have to know their SSN. After the first year, if you bring your old one with you, then its real easy to take care of and nothing to change.

I'll get that info to be on the safe side. Thanks, guys.

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alittle off the topic but, I was really surprised the 2nd time I bought a non-res license there in Minn. All I did was show my drivers license and up all my info from previous days showed up for a quick and easy issue. One year here in SoDak I was checked but I left my wallet in the truck. All the CO needed was my DOB and last 4 of my SSN and it showed up in a hand held computer he had. The grandaughter was with me and they asked her for her DOB (she was under 16) and we were good to go.

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All I can say is aim low on the weight question! Either that or just don't show her the license. Nothing ruins a day of fishing quicker than that voice from that back of the boat saying "You think I weigh how much?"

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All I can say is aim low on the weight question! Either that or just don't show her the license. Nothing ruins a day of fishing quicker than that voice from that back of the boat saying "You think I weigh how much?"

I can vouch for that one!! whistle

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Can you buy a husband and wife combo but only one Trout stamp?

Yes. I get the combo and only the trout stamp for myself.

Ditto on the weight and make sure you get the color of her eyes right. Man was that a mistake you will only make once believe me!

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I plan on having the wife come with me just to be safe. That way she is the one answering all of those trick questions and not me.

I know my wife would look at the license just to see what my answers were.

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I was buying ours last year and she wasn't with me. It went something like this:

Guy: What color are her eyes?

Me: Brown

Guy: What's her weight?

Me: Excuse Me?

Guy: What does she weigh?

Me: You gotta be kidding me.

Guy: How long have you been married?

Me: 11 years.

Guy: You've been married for 11 years and you don't know how much she weighs?

Me: That's right.

Guy: Well, you wanna call her and ask?

Me: (laughing) You'd like that, wouldn't you? Hey Man, I'd like to be able to go home later.

Guy: Well, take a guess.

Me: Wow, that's dangerous. Ok. How about _____?

Guy: Why you asking me? She's your wife.

Me: How long have you been married?

Guy: 32 years.

Me: Do you know what she weighs?

Guy: (chuckle) She doesn't fish.

Me: I see. Take 10 pounds off my guess and we'll call it good.

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You may want to make sure you know here eye color too. I screwed that one up but she knows I am not a detail guy. I guessed the weight light too so that made up for some of her ire over the eye thing.

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Buy the license online, let her fill out her info. Why get yourself into trouble if you don't have to?

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If you do get the eye color wrong just tell her they change colors depending on the light conditions.

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Wow. My wife ballooned to a whopping 112# when she was pregnant with our 3rd. In 30 years that's the only time she broke the 100# mark. The weight question is a non-issue for me.

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Wow. My wife ballooned to a whopping 112# when she was pregnant with our 3rd. In 30 years that's the only time she broke the 100# mark. The weight question is a non-issue for me.

Hmmmm, something tells me gunflint's wife reads this site!

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You're married. Skip the couples license and buy a one day license for that special day that she acutally lets you go fishing. haahahahahh

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Buy the license online, let her fill out her info.

This works for those of us who buy the license for our husbands, too. grin

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