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Weather Predictions

elks fisherman

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What do you think the weather is going to be like on opener, hot and dry, cold and rainy?

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It will be a wash out, so my advice would be for everyone to stay home and wiat until the following weekend.!

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If you believe the extended weather forecast it calls for the low to be 46 the high to be 65 with rain showers for Saturday, May 9th 2009.(sorry,unless your a duck!)c63

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Originally Posted By: walleyeJoe
70 and sunny mindset
Oooh lets hope! eek

I thought I heard 20MP winds out of the NW on Saturday...

Could be a fun one. laugh

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55 degrees mostly cloudy, winds out of the NW at 5-10mph is what I heard

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lol I just wonder where everyone gets the forecast from. One guy says 5mph winds from north, the next says 20mph winds. LOL I find weather.com to be the best predictor of the weather. Forecast is not going to be accurate until the day before or the day of opener.

Isn't it funny?

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I use weather.com as well.

seems everything I look at says 55-60 degrees partly cloudy to cloudy, and winds all say out of the NW at 5-10MPH.

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Thats better than 20...

Thats what i get for listenig to channel 9.

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Saturday for Garrison is a high of 49* (weatherchannel.com) and rain/snow showers. Pretty typical for opener, and I'm sure it will end up windy on Mille Lacs as usual. Wind forecasts mean nothing on this lake. Have fun and a safe opener everyone!

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There is a 20 degree drop between today and Saturday. Can you say "cold front"?

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heres my prediction...its gonna be blowing hard enough for it to rain flat.

well looks like im going to be spending a lot of time in cove trying to pick off some pannies and perch for the pan if i cant get my tin lizzie out on the big lake because of the wind.

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I heard 15 mph. If you can take the beating and keep your boat slow enough you will catch fish. Its a good ol' walleye chop but the key is to stay slow. Good luck and dress warm!

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15 mph is nothing........ the gusts are what kills you.... and when the wind gets too intense... bobber it up... you'll pound em'

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15 mph is nothing........ the gusts are what kills you.... and when the wind gets too intense... bobber it up... you'll pound em'

he's kidding, bobbering it up in wind does not work out there....sheeesh.... eekgrin

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Alright folks. Screw the weather. LOL We all are still going to go out freeze our nuts off and have a blast doing it. Then on sunday when your sitting in a warm car you will say "Why the heck do we do this every year?"

Regardless of weather. I hope everyone catches monsters and has a great time. Good Luck everyone. Try to get pics and video if possible. I will post links to our videos on Monday.

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Alright folks. Screw the weather. LOL We all are still going to go out freeze our nuts off and have a blast doing it. Then on sunday when your sitting in a warm car you will say "Why the heck do we do this every year?"

Regardless of weather. I hope everyone catches monsters and has a great time. Good Luck everyone. Try to get pics and video if possible. I will post links to our videos on Monday.

I second that and be safe!

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15mph on the big pond will be a little treacherous.....but I think I have been out there when the winds have been stronger.

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