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has anyone ever got a ticket from three rivers park for not having a pass on your truck while out in the boati forgot to pay when i was leaving i saw i had a ticket wonder what it will cost

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Yeah, parked my car in a lot that said, "Boat Trailer Parking: 5$" This place sees maybe 10 people a week.

It was a $35 ticket and I am less than impressed with Three Rivers Parks.

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You may want to give the park a call. I've had some that will let you buy a season parking pass and then consider the ticket paid for.

For sure you can do that in some minneapolis pay lots. I think our ticket was $35 and they let us buy the $25 season pass instead of paying the ticket. I don't think we ever used the pass again but it did save us $10.

It might be worth a try. I've never been to 3 rivers so I am not sure how they handle their parking/tickets/passes.

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fish lake in maple grove

Same lake for me. I forgot to write the License plate # down on my buddies truck and there was only a couple trucks there too. My fault but he still could've looked at the ticket and seen Ford - Black - Year etc and figured it out. It was $35

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I always love the threads about tickets. 99.9% of the time it's the person parking that either forgot to pay, didn't know to pay or didn't write down all the info and then they get mad at the person that gave them a ticket.

I hate tickets as well, but if you messed up you have to suck it up and pay the fine. It was on you to know the rules.

I agree with nofish that if you call the park they may just let you buy a season pass, worth a try anyway.

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Hey hardwaterguy, I know where your coming from. I've been nailed with a few parking tickets over the past couple of years fishing new lakes (all 3 rivers parks). I've complained about this many times, but the lack of signage and brown coloration of the payboxes make it pretty darn difficult to identify. As others have suggested....you can usually have the fine go towards an annual pass for 3 rivers parks. Good luck.

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Do you have to pay in Murphy-Hanrehan Park Reserve, I know that that is a three rivers park. Just curios. I did get a ticket this winter for using the wrong access. Boy was that a expensive lesson to learn, I think it was like $130.

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i called today and the ticket is 34 dollars ialso called three rivers anc got the year pass they mailed it out today

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I always love the threads about tickets. 99.9% of the time it's the person parking that either forgot to pay, didn't know to pay or didn't write down all the info and then they get mad at the person that gave them a ticket.

I hate tickets as well, but if you messed up you have to suck it up and pay the fine. It was on you to know the rules.

I agree with nofish that if you call the park they may just let you buy a season pass, worth a try anyway.

i never said i was mad about it iwas curios to what the fine was it ha all been taken care it will take more than this to stop me from fishing that lake or any other
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hey hardwaterguy did yo9u do any fishing and if you did any luck
very small sunfish gonna try again after i eat iwill be paying the 5 dollars first
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I wasn't directing it at you hardwater, just seems in the summer I see a lot of posts of folks that complain the CO or Cop did they wrong.

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it's all good i wonder why you can'y pay for a yearly pass at the pay box but you can pay daily

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got my permit today i went out after work to same lake caught a 12 inch crappie i'll try to post a picture i always have trouble when i try

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