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When A person goes fishing do they only keep what they are going to eat or do they keep keeping until they have their limit? Do most people keep a limit just because they want to BRAG and show everyone they know that they caught a limit?

If I catch 6 walleyes im Minnesota and keep 2 and throw the others back I STILL caught a limit! I dont need to have them dead to prove it!!!

I keep only enough to eat the day I cought them ( unless I am on a trip catching something I cant catch around home).

What do you do? Keep em all or let them live?

Please answer with one of the following

I am the kind of fisherman:

A. That likes to catch fish but would rather C&R than eat them.

B. That like to catch fish but also likes to eat a few.

C. That keeps more than I throw back.

D. That keeps my limit every chance I get.

E. That has a problem keeping more than I am allowed.

F. That cant catch fish

I myself will answer for me both B. & F.


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I am B! I like fish but also like to see them swim away for someone else to catch!

Josh you been to Pool 4 yet? Then maybe you can get rid of F.

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I am A but we like to have a little fish fry for the family that dont go fishing so I keep a few here and there. I personnaly do not eat fish. What do I eat at a fish fry? Big fat juicy steak, and ice cold Bud Light.

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What do I eat at a fish fry? Big fat juicy steak, and ice cold Bud Light.

Nothing wrong with that!

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I'm a B, I keep enough in the winter and spring to get me through summer and fall when I'm chasing muskies instead of supper. More often than not I never seem to keep enough but have fun doing it.

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So am I KatoGuy. I really only keep fish at all in the hardwater season, the month of May, and again in October. The rest of the year is CPR. When I do keep some fish though, rarely is it a limit...May and October walleye being the exception.

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Kevin, I have been out to pool 4 but very early in the year. I am not a very good fisherman when it comes to catching fish when they are not on a good bite!

I can catch fish like its going out of style about 4 times a year otherwise its 2 - 3 fish a day if I am lucky. I am stuck in a rut, I go to the lake with a mindset that the fish are going to bite what I tell them to bite, and more time than not they bite what they want to and not what I have in the water.

I need someone to get me out of it and show me something different. I fish the same way everytime, I need to be more willing to think outside the box!


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i am b and f ....i might keep a limet of walleyes once a year or so if im getting some good eaters other wise just keep one or two max

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Winter and Spring = B

Summer and Fall = A

Cooler, cleaner water seems to make for better tasting fish.

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I would say im mostly an B. But im lazy a lot and dont like cleaning them so i toss them back and wait for all the looks i get from the people with the mindset of "im keeping everything".

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I am a B unless my son is with then I run his rod more like a C. He loves to eat the fish that he has caught (and he is only 2 1/2) when he gets a little older, and the mass of excitement when he shows his mother what he caught is containable, then we will start talking about being more of a B. Right now I am more interested in keeping my son as a fishing partner so things are different. On the other hand though, my filleting has become much better with the practice the last 7 months.

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B. I keep enough to have a meal for the family about once every 2 weeks. Maybe a little more often in the spring-early summer.

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In the winter with pan-fish i would fall in the C area.

Open water with game fish i am a B

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Since exclusive catch & release wasn't an option, I'll add it as G...which would be me smile

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B the only time I keep a limit is when I go to leech. We usually eat them right away so I may keep a limit 1-3 times per year. F when I try to target certain fish I can only catch a few unless its bullheads then its seems I have no problem catching them sick

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Depending on time of year/species, I fall somewhere inbetween B and C, I myself like to eat fish as does my family and some older neighbors who do not fish anymore.

I am pretty careful about what size of fish I keep though, especially with panfish I have started to throw back a few of the bigger 'gills and crappies and keep the mid sized one.

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I'm a B/D with more of a lean towards D.

If I'm lucky enough to catch a limit, I will certainly take a limit of eater-sized fish home. My family and extended family love eating fish!!!!

Keeping a limit to BRAG as it's been put by the original poster, is not the purpose for me keeping a limit. I'm out for fun and food. However, if someone were to catch and keep a limit, I for one would be happy for them and congratulate them.

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mostly B. I am C for when I go to the lake my family has been fishing for 50+years now. 2 houses on the lake and neither are close. about 80 acres, but we will be the only boat on it all week. we keep limits of fish there, no one else fishes it.

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