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I'm looking to buy a good pair of polarized sunglasses for river/lake fishing. I just got back from flyfishing in Montana and found out first hand how valuable a good pair is. I want to try stay away from the price of something like Costa's if I can find something good cheaper. Thanks for any help!

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Having stepped up to good glasses in the past couple years I like the H30's and love my Ocean Waves. IMO WalMart and quality don't belong in the same book.

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I bought a pair of H3Os last year and I love them. I had a pair of cheap $20 sunglasses before that and I can tell the difference. For $100 they considerably cheaper than a lot of other brands, plus you get 3 lens types which actually do come in handy.

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I have had the brand polareyes and forgot them a valleyfair last year, those glasses rocked now I cant find them in ne stores just online. frown

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I ran cheapies for years not thinking there was much of a difference. I was wrong, when you spend near 150 days on the ice and water a season spending $100 or $200 on a good pair is a cheap investment.

I like the ability to quickly change lenses due to changing light conditions, but the Ocean Waves in Backwater green seem to cover most the bases. I carry both when Muskie fishing so I have 4 choices no matter what the conditions. I rearley even wear cheapies for work anymore, the eye strain by days end starts getting to me.

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A little over a year ago I purchased a pair of Native sunglasses on sale. They were originally $130, but I got them half price in December. They are definitely a step up from the cheap $20 pairs I was using.

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Take a look at Willey X. They are the best pair of polarized glasses I have ever owned. They run right around $80.00.

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I wear prescription glasses and would like to find a pair of polarized glasses to put over my glasses. So far i've just used cheapos. Any recommendations? the other option i guess would be to get a good pair of sunglasses w/ my prescription - might be the way to go.

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Depending how big your RX frames are, you may find a normal pair to fit over them. I wear H30 Tsunamis and Ocean Wave Nassua's over my RX.

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My brother uses Native and they are nice. I am an Oakley fan no better glasses period. After you spend money on a good pair cheapos dont cut it no more, and you will take care of them cause they cost so much.

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