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I'm looking at buying a house on the shallow north bay of Pearl. I've never been on Pearl before so I'm not sure how deep the north bay gets. It seems to be plenty deep for a boat in front of the place but I'm not sure if I would run across any surprises as I boat between the island and west shore. I'd appreciate any response that would let me know the level of difficulty I can expect trying to get to the main lake. Also, how weedy does it get in that bay? Thanks in advance for any responses. Hope you all had a happy Easter.

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You can run a boat in there, but the bottleneck area that leads to the main lake can get closed up with floating bogs. The north bay holds crappies in the early spring. I've got a couple friends that live on that part of the lake and they enjoy it there.

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Thanks for the reply fisherdog. Do the bogs get to the point where they're so thick you can't redirect them? Any idea how often this happens? I'd hate to buy a place so I can solely fish what amounts to a big shallow pond. Thanks again.

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Not sure if it happens all that often, I wouldn't consider it a deterant from buying the property as I don't think it happens very often and I think they can be redirected. There are others that know more about the lake than I do.

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In the spring or high water, you can get through with a trolling motor or push pole. In the summer, there is about 8 to 10 inches of water there and I never see anyone shooting the gap. Also chokes up with weeds by mid to late June and they hold till late September.

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