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Team # 5 Date Breakers


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Well here is the war room for our team. Post any info in here as far as scouting reports,seasons,mishaps,sightings.success etc. Good luck to all of my team members may the turkey gods be with you. As for myself I am hunting season B this yr been scouting the last few days with a few birds spotted here and there. This morning I saw my best sign yet in the area I am hunting. Spotted 5 nice toms and 6 hens working the edge of a field and the Toms were all strutting there stuff. Also saw another Big tom and hen on another area I hunt. Sure fun to watch the boy's trying to impress there lady friends.

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  • Cooter


  • 123fish


  • Nightcrawler


  • Tom Linderholm


Just walked in from the woods and spooked one bird on my walk back in, my brother was in the woods on the wheeler today and spooked 6 hens out behind my house. First sign I've seen around my house this year. No Tom sightings though. A couple spots I have in mind have had a couple birds cruising thru.

Who woulda thought that there would be a decent bird population 10 miles from Superior WI.

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The wife and I went out early this morning to listen for gobbling. Heard four for sure and maybe five. The wife even thought it was cool hearing all the gobbling. They were all on private land next to the public land I hunt. They will be very wise by the time season E rolls around. Need to get it done in Nebraska at the end of the month.

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Hey team - been away from the computer for a while. So who's heading out for us first? Forget seasons, lets do specific dates. I'll be out April 29th in scoonie. Good luck all!

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I think nightcrawler has been or still is in the Black Hills. I start in Nebraska the evening of April 30. Then season E in Minnesota. May 5-9. 123fish.

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cooter where you going in scoonie? my college buddies have been cleanin up first season around osseo. I got 4th season out there so hopefully there are still some around! Best of luck

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Not sure yet - my uncle's is just north of Eleva, he's been seeing 4 toms. Only problem is his brother-in-law has the same season. I told him he has until Friday to get one! I also have a couple places to hunt by Colfax, will probably go there Wed and Thurs and wait to see how things go. Hopefully I'll be done by Thurs evening.

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Was out running and gunning for a few hours late morning today, didn't have alot of time to hunt but certainly found a place to take a bird on Friday, 4 hens seen and a few Toms playing with us today. Ground tore up and strutting tracks all over the freshly graded road going in.

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Well fellas we are on the board, this is my first year turkey hunting so I am pretty pumped to start this off. After the lighting rolled thru this am it turned the vocals on the gobblers off. After sitting for 2 hours we finally convinced a couple hens to come into the clearcut after not hearing a peep all morning. The Tom I took wasn't far behind and set me up with an easy 20 yrd shot, needless to say one shot, one kill.

My first bird a 20+ pound double bearded turkey with 10 1/8 main beard and a 3 3/4 second beard, a touch over 3/4 inch spurs. Nonetheless a trophy in my book being the first bird ever.

Good Luck out there, and keep them coming!

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CONGRATS!!!! One heck of a first bird. Way to start things off for Date Breakers - sounds like you broke that bird's date!

I'll do my best to add to our tally next week.

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Hey Cheffry are you sure it wasn't over a corn pile out the bedroom window grin J/K

Anyway congrats on the great bird and I still can't believe the birds in NW Sconnie these days. And now that you will be hooked, if you interested in a Black Hills hunt next year let me know and no it won't be like an Algoma trip smirk

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great going cheffrey and great bird,now if we all can do the same as you.

south dakota turkeys-1 nightcrawler-0 cry to early, no strutting yet. we did get one nice tom for five hunters,and a good time was had by all.

leaving for N.Y. state tuesday , bro inlaw says they are going nuts out there. so getting all pumped up agian.

in minn. have the last week of may,221- H. hope to find a left over stray tom.


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Great job on that first bird Chef! Nice to hear the big birds have gotten that far north.

Do you know a Bob Sarvella that lives on your lake? If so, say hi from Don in Oakdale.

Nightcrawler, New York? Sweet!

Cooter, good luck next week.

Our team's (#4) already 3 for 3 so I don't mind wishing you losers good luck. grin

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Nice job Cheffrey! That is a heck of a first bird. Way to get things started. Can't wait to see the pics.

nightcrawler I was wondering if a cougar maybe had you for lunch out there in S.D. as we had not heard anything from you. Good luck in New York. Sounds like your timing might be just right. Be sure to report when you get back.

The rest of us get it going pretty quick so that tally sheet is going to fill up. DonBo it ain't over til it's over. Go Datebreakers!

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Marshall, I was actually 20 miles east of my house, that would have been a long window shot! As for SD, now that we are getting a sustainable population in my area why take vacation and travel when I can hunt and work in the same day. wink

Donbo, our cabin is actually on Nebagamon, I live in Poplar and haven't heard that name before. As for losing? We just have late seasons so slow your roll! smirk

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computer took a ----. had to replace , took two weeks. did see couger tracks though.

went down to area 221 fro a roosting and this mornings fly down ,was great .alot of gobbling and strutting than the hens walked of and left the toms. a good shot rush

last monday and wednesday my son and a buddy both got their toms .

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I'm heading out tomorrow to set up camp and roost some birds. Will be away for the cornputer so somebody keep an eye on DonBo for me, he like to hijack threads.... wink

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Well I got a bird but just a little guy. 18.5lbs, 6.5" beard, and just over a half inch spurs. Split second decision, no time to judge it. Oh well, lots of nice birds left for next year. Good luck all!

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Nice work Cooter, better than nothing right? Bird number 2 for Date Breakers!

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Way to go Cooter. 18.5 lbs bigger than last years huh? No shame in that!

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Headed out in a few minutes to try for bird #2 this season, and an 18.5 pounder with a 6 inch beard would look just fine down my sight pin grin

Congrats on the bird...

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Congratulations Cooter. I'd take that bird of yours any day. That said I also got a bird in Nebraska. 19.25 lb., 8.5" beard, and three quarter inch spurs. I'll try to get some pics and the necessary info up in the near future. Probably the most fun turkey hunting I had yet. I start the Mn. season Tuesday along with 8point I think. Good luck to everyone.

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