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How far will you travel this summer?

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Just wondering how far everyone is going to travel this summer for there vacation (if your taking one)? I think even with the gas price at a some what low price, we will still be staying pretty cloose to home. Maybe 200 miles or less.We wanted to go to South Dakota bad lands and Mt Rushmore but I think thats on hold. Just wondering what you guys think you will be doing???

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I am probably taking the kids to the black hills if all pans out. It's a beautiful place and not too hateful of a drive. Gas I'm assuming will be going up again though, it all depends on what the economy does in the next 4 months. Otherwise a couple camping trip to Winnie and Upper Red will have to do the trick.

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I'm headed to Maine and New England. I'm hoping to get in a trip to Lake Michigan in August to fish the flats off the Lower Peninsula. A trip to Denver may be in the cards this fall as well, but that would have some biz related items.

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Yeah i guess I didn't include the biz trip to Santa Fe in August. I guess there wouldn't be too much to do around there as far as I know, besides some hiking.

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My wife and I are ditching our normal two week camping trip to Lake Vermilion and decided to go on a true touristy vacation to the Black Hills, Mount Rushmore..etc. We live so close but its a place neither one of us have ever been...so it should be fun. Outside of that, I just plan on hitting all the local lakes in Becker and Ottertail counties....

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You won't regret going to the Black Hills, I was there at the end of last April, kind of quiet that time of year most of the places were closed still but man what beautiful country, we basically did a quick one day speed tour but wished I would have stuck around a little longer, that's why I want to go back again this year.

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If you like good old history western style hit the cemetary up on the hill in Deadwood, real neat place. Black Hills area awesome in the fall also with the leaves turning colors. Have to go to Lead and see the gold mine, big dang hole in the groung!! Have a good trip if you make it out that way. We went out there alot when we lived in SD.

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We will also be heading to the Black Hills this summer. For the last 3 years we have gone camping at Wylie Park in Aberdeen. Now that the kids are getting a bit older and into camping we are going to make the loop from D.L. to Aberdeen then the black hills then to Billings Montana (relatives) then back to Medora and then home. Two weeks of fun. (hopefully)

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We went to the Black Hills and Medora last summer it was a great time. Medora sounded dumb to me but then when we got there it was AWESOME I would recomend it to anyone.

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Thanks for the info...if anyone else has any ideas of places and sites we need to hit up while in the Black Hills area...feel free to jump in.

Our trip is scheduled for the end of Aug or the first week in Sept. If I remember correctly, the bike rally should be over by then...correct?

ps: fishandshroom: love your tag....my home town as well....

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hey Cliffy, check out the thread in the camping section, about south dakota camoing, a ton of good info on that area.

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if anyone else has any ideas of places and sites we need to hit up while in the Black Hills area...feel free to jump in.

Make sure you take the drive through Custer State Park. Do the whole loop and you will see some amazing scenery along with wild donkeys, antelope, and buffalo, as well as getting to drive through the tunnels in the rocks...it's amazing and you can also see Mt Rushmore from a couple of the spots to pull off and park. It's pretty cool looking at it from about 10 or so miles away and being on top of a mountain you are looking at it from the same height that it actually is at.

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yeah and it's crazy how the prarie dogs come running right up to your door!!!

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I did the Mt. Rush, Deadwood visit a few years back, its actually right in between Fargo and Denver so a few guys from each location ascended upon cowboy country.

One of my favorite moments there was when we were pulling into deadwood, we asked the young gals working the hotel counter, what is there to do in this town?

Their response: 'Drink and Gamble'

I knew then I was in the right place.

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I'm headed to Maine and New England. I'm hoping to get in a trip to Lake Michigan in August to fish the flats off the Lower Peninsula. A trip to Denver may be in the cards this fall as well, but that would have some biz related items.

Oh man I envy you. Maine and New England is mine and my wifes dream vacation. We both really want to go out there. Heard its kind of expenceive though??? Take lots of pics and post them if you would that would be great. Have fun.

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Oh man I envy you. Maine and New England is mine and my wifes dream vacation. We both really want to go out there. Heard its kind of expenceive though??? Take lots of pics and post them if you would that would be great. Have fun.

I'm headed back to Maine for my 10 yr college reunion. The wife's never been to New England so we thought it would be a perfect opportunity for a road trip. I hope to squeeze in some fishing along the way.

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