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To buy the extended warranty or not?



I've always bought them, seems like a good way to protect your investment, but every time I've tried to use them its a PITA. We are considering buying a new computer (Mac) and and wondering if you guys ever buy the extended warranty when you make big purchases. It is 239.00 for 3 years, I'm thinking if I would have just taken all the money I've spent on these stupid things and put it in the bank I could take a nice trip to Costa Rica or something. Right now I'm leaning no on the warranty...tell me what you think.

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I never buy them. The item sure as he## should last that long if it's manufactured well. They say that retailers make a great deal of their profit on those warranties. That tells me the warranties arent't being used. If you are planning on buying your computer from our good 'ol Minnesota based, Best Bi, then you can forget about using that warranty. They won't back anything that goes out the door in my experience and having talked to so many other people that have had the same experience. If you want to try then plan on a very extended, run around, frustrating and humiliating experience with them. I think I'll book my trip to Costa Rica now.

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I never get them either. When I bought my last computer (Sony Viao) I talked with the IT guys at work and they all agreed to skip the extended warranty.

What they said is if your harddrive or some other major component is going to fail early in the computers life it will almost always die in the first year as its most likely a deffective part. In that case the part would be covered under the standard 1 year warranty. If everything makes it the first year nothing is likely deffective and will probably not fail during the next 2 years.

Even if something does go wrong in years 2 and 3 or beyond there are some independant computer shops that can fix your computer for a reasonable price, most likely for less then the warranty would cost you. Best part about that is your money goes to a local shop and not to the big box store. I know of one place in St. Paul that has done good work for several friends of mine.

So i would skip the warranty, if you really want to play it safe pocket the $240 the warranty would cost and set it aside just incase you have to pay for a computer repair.

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I'm with the rest, never buy them. I made the mistake once! Keep in mind especially on a computer that usually the extended warranty the store offers trumps the manufacturer's warranty. This can be a problem because the local big box store will attempt to fix it under their warranty without it going back to the manufacturer. This has resulted in frustration of not getting it fixed right the first, second, and even the third time.

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Desktop or lapper?

Mac desktops are pretty solid. If you're getting a lapper and the warranty covers anything, it's a pretty good deal so far as electronics go.

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Skip the warranty, but don't skip the $239.00. Use the cash to set up reserve account just in case you need it. On a second note Consumer Reports states that buying an extended warranty is usually a waste of $$$, but recommeds that one be purchsed for laptops.

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Check out a company called Squaretrade. Got all my warranties through them at about 1/3 of the cost. Nice to have a little peace of mind at a very reasonable price. And no, I don't work for them..............

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Like my statistics teacher told us in college, extended warranties are designed to make the company more money.

I also thought I heard that the sales people get a commision on each extended warranty they sell.

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That's kind of what I thought. I was just adding it all up and I think I could have gone to Costa Rica twice.

It is a desktop. Good advice guys.

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Consumer reports says avoid them almost entirely but in your instance the applecare warranty will extend that phone support for 3 years also which is VERY helpful. I would definitely get it solely for the phone support.

By the way, here's that consumer reports write up:



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I would not buy the warranty from apple for $239. You can purchase the warranties from a reseller for under $200..

Just google Manufacturer Part# MB587LL/A. Provantage is a reputable place to buy.

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Ironic the write up from consumer reports says Apple computers are one of the 2 exceptions as to when to buy them.

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Just go to apple's site, find the part number of the warranty, add to cart, then google that part number..

Their phone support is top notch by the way.

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My kid worked for a while at BB and got the employee price which was wholesale plus a small percant. On computer stuff the price wasn't all that much less but on the extended warranty he got them for about 1/10th the retail price. That tells me right there that they aren't worth it at the retail price.

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I purchased a Dell laptop a few years ago. I also got the extended warranty that basically covered anything. The screen developed a crack and the screen needed to be replaced. I called Dell and they picked up the computer the next day and had it returned to me five days later. No charge and only one phone call.

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Laptops, it's a good idea because they are a PITA to work on and parts are a little higher in price. Desktops, waste of money. You can get so many parts online and localy for low prices, it makes no sense to me. Check out General Nano Systems in MPS for great PCs and parts.

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If you get the extended warranty on laptops try to get a no fault version otherwise they say if you would have taken better care of it wouldn't have broke and not cover it.

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Purchased protection is great, when you need it...and if it pays out. For most people that buy it seldom does either happen.

Buy with a credit card, most of them automatically double the warranty (sometimes maximum of one year more). Also heard, but don't know if it's true, that you might be able to get something through your insurance company.

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I never buy them. The item sure as he## should last that long if it's manufactured well. They say that retailers make a great deal of their profit on those warranties. That tells me the warranties arent't being used. If you are planning on buying your computer from our good 'ol Minnesota based, Best Bi, then you can forget about using that warranty. They won't back anything that goes out the door in my experience and having talked to so many other people that have had the same experience. If you want to try then plan on a very extended, run around, frustrating and humiliating experience with them. I think I'll book my trip to Costa Rica now.

I bought a new Sony Vaio last summer. I got the 3 year accident protection on it for $99. It's been in the shop 3 times, all under warranty.

I have a 3 and 7 year old that have a tendency to knock it onto the floor when they're using it. laugh

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I never have and never will get the extended warranty.

Total waste of money.

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I might have said this on here before, I can't remember- but I bought our 42" LCD at BB and the salesman was really pushing it- $100 for a few years. I told him no about 4 or 5 times. Then he tried to sell me a surge protector thing for over $100. After telling him no about 5 times on that, he tried selling me a $50 set of HDMI cables- geesh. I bought the $10 Dynex ones and have no complaints

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I will never buy extended warranty on any thing and get tired of the sales people asking. It seems like you can't go into a store with out them asking would you like extended warranty on your $19 dollar toaster for an extra $5. Say no all the time and you'll be way ahead in the end. The only way I would consider it is if you will be using it in a really harsh environment all the time(high heat, heavy vibration or extremely dusty). In the case of a harsh environment like that I'd probably still say no, because I really like saying no.

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The only extended warranty I buy is for my work truck...generally pays for it self twice over in repair bills. Everything else i say "No Thanks" to the sales people.

HOWEVER, I just picked up a Canon 450D SLR camera which was a significant amount of $$ and didn't get the extended warranty. I'm kinda thinking that I should have reconsidered this one.

Desktop, Laptop, 3 Tv's no warranty...no problems yet wink

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It's insurance. You buy it to protect yourself against a catasrophic loss. What each one must determine for himself or herself is what constitutes a catastrophe.

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My wife got suckered into buying extended warranties for our new appliances 5 years ago. It was like 500 bucks. Never had an issue..yet

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I have a 3 and 7 year old that have a tendency to knock it onto the floor when they're using it. laugh

Sure...blame the kids. wink

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And now that all those warranties have expired, you could have pracitally bought a new appliance when one breaks down with the $500.00 spent on extended warranties. That's always the case though. If you have it you won't need it. If you don't have it then it breaks down all the time.

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Laptops, it's a good idea because they are a PITA to work on and parts are a little higher in price. Desktops, waste of money. You can get so many parts online and localy for low prices, it makes no sense to me. Check out General Nano Systems in MPS for great PCs and parts.

I'll second General Nano Systems, I've only heard good things about them.

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Bob has the best response in my opinion. An extended service contract is nothing more than insurance. If you think that you could afford to pay out of pocket for a major breakdown then you shouldn't purchase the extended service. If you can imagine a failure that would cause you serious financial hardship, then maybe the extended service contract is worth a few extra dollers per month or a little more money up front. My health insurance company makes money of 95% of their customers but I couldn't afford the treatment if I get cancer, thus I have health insurance.

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