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My guess is last week in April on most of the lakes. Some of the lakes earlier if they have good runoff. Silver has a portion open now due to the runoff.

Sounds like Big Stone and Traverse will open up by next week with the warm temps and wind coming. Opener there is only a couple weeks away.

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I am going to say April 23. I don't think it will take long with the warm up we had already and some sunny days with a little wind.

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I always guess it on North and South Twin in my area, I'd say April 22nd they will be ice free.

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Last year Lil Cormorant went off may 1. I think were looking about the same for this year. Lots of snow yet on lots of ice.

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My guess is April 25th for Big Detroit.....

Good guess!! Im gonna say the 26th!!!

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Hey Leechbait,

I would have to say, no way will the lakes up there be ice free in 15 days, unless we get some good rains. you may not remember me, but i talked to you a couple of years ago and meet your brothers out on the South end on South twin where you guys had your shack, you brother gave me some crappies. I am coming up thatr way this weekend. Anyways good luck fishing. MY GUESS IS MAY 2ND.

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if the wind picks up the ice will opean soon like next month lakes south of here an hour are opeaning up already.

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I was on an 80 acre lake less than 5 miles from DL this weekend and there was still 20" of ice and hardly any shore line problems yet (north shore the worst). the snow did dissapear on it tho.

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I noticed the same thing although it was 40 miles northeast of DL, small lake no shoreline problems and the ice was just over a foot. I think that may have been the last time I am going out, sadly I will be summerizing all of my gear!

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the lake that i lived by it caught dark. when i say dark like really really really dark

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I took a cruise down Highway 113 and stopped at a few lakes, (tulaby, elbow, juggler, long lost) some are starting to pull away from the shorelines and the ice looks just terrible! Some of the smaller ponds out in the prarie near Waubun that are exposed to more wind are open completely, too bad they don't have fish in them.

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We ventured out yesterday on the small lake we were on last week that had 20" on it, the south end of the lake still has a good foot of ice, however the further North we went we found less ice. We stopped at 7" and couldnt get to the area we found them at on the north end of the lake.

In the boat next weekend? I think so!

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I was out and about yesterday Sat April 18th around the Pelican, Lida, Star, Big Cormorant etc. area and the ice is starting to pull away from the lake pretty far now. It won't be long now. I would guess by next weekend or by the middle of the following week we will be out in the boats.

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