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A 32' fire boat is huge for the big V. I think all cabin owners should be cutting these guys a $20.00 check or so to cover gas, supplies ect.

Now you can tell your insurance people theirs a fire station less than 10 minutes away.

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You have had a fire station less than 5 minutes away for the last 15 plus years.

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I know Greenwood has a dept. the problem is they charge folks who do not live in the township, I heard they sent a guy a bill for $2000 to put out his boat house fire.

Now the folks on the west end will have protection and the rest of the lake will have double coverage.

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This latest venture just goes to show us all what a great community we live in!

My thanks to all of the dedicated volunteers involved in the new Lake Vermilion fire/rescue brigade!


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Greenwood Township used to bill individual's who were non-residents (not taxpayers) of Greenwood twp for the use of various emergency services. Recently, the board decided to abolish billing non-residents for these services.

The fire brigade is much needed on Vermilion, especially with the high threat of Forest Fires in the area. It will be great to see this venture grow and develop.

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Greenwood Township used to bill individual's who were non-residents (not taxpayers) of Greenwood twp for the use of various emergency services. Recently, the board decided to abolish billing non-residents for these services.

Looks like the new Fire Brigade has all ready made a difference.

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So far I can't see anything but positives about this initiative. Unless I'm missing the obvious, I'll be sending some money their way.

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I suppose one can draw the conclusion that the brigade drove the change in Greenwood Town Board's policy but that conclusion would be incorrect.

This fee policy was driven by the Greenwood taxpayers response to the old fire boat being damaged in Niles Bay. (Not in Greenwood Township) The Board felt that non-residents benefiting from the use of Greenwood services should contribute to the expenses of having such services available, thus the charges.

But, the charges actually started some issues with Greenwood's Mutual Aid partners. Since some were concerned that if we were called to help another department, and we sent the property owner a bill, well, it was a bad deal. And in response to that, the Mutual Aid members said that we will no longer call you for assistance, and we will not respond to Greenwood when called. Yes the boathouse deal was not a good deal.

The Town Board finally realized the impact of these service fees and abolished them.

Now that's the rest of the story. Not anything to do with the Brigade, which has my full support and I am assisting with it.

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I noticed on the fire brigade website that donations are tax deductible. So not only is it a good idea, but the government is giving you money back! What a deal.

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Thanks for the info, sounds like the town board has a bad case of the "My lake attitude"

You better ask them for a new boat, I heard the Brigades boat is going to be faster than yours. LOL

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Actually our 2nd boat will be delivered in June. But this one is just a personnel boat rather than a fully equipped fire boat.

I think you hit the nail square on the head.

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