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Of Southern Crossroads Muskies Inc

The April meeting of Chapter 54, of Muskies Inc. will be Wed. April 8th, at the Eagles Club in Owatonna at 7pm. Our speaker will be Jeanine Vorland with the DNR. She will address our project request to improve the water quality in French Lake. She will explain what the plan will and can include. The lake has heavy algae, etc. There will be activity up-dates, door prizes, and raffle.

Visitors interested in muskie fishing, water conservation as well as other species are always welcome. Muskie hunters, bring a friend and check us out. Help improve muskie fishing in southern Minnesota.

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Even though its a muskie inc. meeting this issue affects ALL fish and fishermen. All are welcome to attend, don't need to be a member, just concerned about French lake.

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Great meeting with allot of possibility's, Janine gave a very comprehensive presentation and opened some doors for us and some people on a few other lakes, Thanks to all those that came and are concerned with our lakes in So.MN, this is how true conservation partnerships are started and issues with the environment are resolved.

BTW it means to the top

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Muskiefool, did you get a tape or can you post what she said about the water quality? I couldn't make the meeting but am very interested on what came out of that discussion.

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She described French as hypereutrophic, phospourus loading a big issue. We had lots of interested people there, we'll keep you guy's posted on what happens next. Thank you to all that attended. The good news is if we could get this project done we could start seeing the results in as little as 2 years. I would suggest start writing Rep. Bly& Rep. Fritz.

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What was explained to us was a wet land marsh was ditched and the phosphorus from the dried peat is puting it in the lake when it runs off. It will be nice to figure out how to get money for these projects then tackle all our lakes around here on a priority bases.

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Must be the marsh between Kelly and French then? If that's the case...weird because Kelly/Dudley is so clean.

Everything else around french is high ground running in.

Regardless, if you or they come up with a plan, I'd be more than happy to help out.

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Its on the west end of the lake, she said it accounts for 30% of the phosphorous, also mentioned the rarity of French in Southern Mn due to it still having wild rice beds.

It would also aid the natural weeds and could help naturally reduce the curly pond weed.

She also advised for people to leave as much natural weed and trees as a buffer as they can and to leave as much aquatic plants as possible too that will help the water quality too.

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