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Thinking of putting my call name from this site in my rear window of my truck.

Think it would be more of a hassle or OK?

Would anyone notice?

Do I need to put a Fishing Minnesota Sticker besides it?


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I've always thought about doing that with my boat, but then again there are many many people that read this site that are not registered and it may cause somesort of security, or shall I say (a crowd following you around a neighborhood lake) problem...haha but I always have thought about doing that and thought how cool it would be for another FM member to recognise it while out and about....Cool idea for a post though, cant wait to see what others say laugh

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I think it be kinda neat, but I would deffinatly put a Fishing Minnesota decal by it, that way if people don't recognize your screen name they will still recognize that you are a member.

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One word of caution - people with lots of fishing stickers tend to have a lot of tackle that snooping people like to steal.

Yeah, I'm paranoid...

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I've got a "SpitnArgueDuckClub" Decal on the side of my boat, I've never had a problem.

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id like something like that on our ice house maybe? idk that might be kinda cool. but i dont want someone breaking in because of it like said before

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I have alot of people shadow be around lakes and I've talked to people who have said they were watching me through binoculars. If you want this kind of attention go for it! Just beware.

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i think it's a sweet idea, but sadly we do have to worry about those who might use it to their advantage to steal or ruin other peoples stuff

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old looking boat and old looking ice house = no worries!! ive never had a problem with people touching my stuff, just people moving it =)

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I have thought about it more for the fish shack than the boat, but I have considered that too, as well as the back window of the truck. But who knows....

I do find it easier, and catch myself refering to people by handle as opposed to name. blush

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