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From what body of water?

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99% of the time I CPR. But, from what bodies of water in the Rochester area do you feel comfortable eating fish out of? Are there any bodies of water you would eat carp from? I've eaten smallies from the Zumbro River and panfish from Lake Zumbro, but have not been brave enough to try carp from anywhere. What are your experiences?

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I hear this comment alot...."oh I wouldn't eat any fish out of there!"

Truth of the matter is if you knew what is in alot of the food you bought at the store, you eat you might not eat it either.....The other day I was at wal-mart and happened to see a package of whole Tilipia and on the back it read "farm raised in China" I think I'd trust mississippi river carp long before the chinese stuff....just my 2 cents...

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It does not matter where you fish. The same water and everything that flows with it is flowing into every lake around here. No one can say that one lake is better than the other. I have heard from people that they would eat out of the Zumbro but think I am crazy for eating out of Willow Creek. There is a lot more settling into the Zumbro than any other lake around Rochester. I walk along the river in town and it is almost disgusting how much garbage is flowing into it, as well as the nasty water coming out of the storm sewers. But I will still eat some fish out of there. You have to get a ways away from here if you want to get somewhat clean lakes.

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There's reasons there are limits on how much fish you SHOULD eat per week/month... but you can eat fish... just make sure it's properly cleaned and cooked and you should have no problems

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Never eaten a carp in MN, but I would stay away from the Silver Lake carp (and those just below the Silver Lake dam). Other than that (like the others above say) I think you'd be fine.

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How do you feel about pesticides? I would think that many of the streams in ag country have significant pesticide contamination, both herbicide and insecticide. I don't know if the DNR tests for any of those.

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i agree with Tyler on that one... the nitrate levels in that lake have to be through the roof... any time i've ever been out to silver lake its been caked in goose feces...

sometimes i really wish the DNR/local enforcement would ticket people who feed the ducks/geese... they don't understand how much that can mess up the water and not to mention make the parks around the bodies of water look revolting because they are caked in geese/duck feces

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