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Good web cams for skype



I am going to set up my parents with skype so they can visit more with the grandkids. What are good cams for this and where to get them. They have a 2 yr old Dell tower, high speed internet. Thanks! lakevet

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I have a basic Logitech and I am happy with it. I do Skype with my folks in Italy and have no problem.

Be sure it's USB and possibly has a internal microphone.

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Logitech "Pro 9000" More money than most, but it is very good. Read reviews on Amazon and you will see most people agree.

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I went and got the cheap Logitech for under $20 but which works good for me. However, after seeing what the more expensive ones picture quality is, I wish I would have gotten a more expensive one. It is all a matter of you get what you pay for.

It is funny how many people have never heard of Skype. I think I use it daily.

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