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Dogs and mushrooms ?


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We really had a weird experience on Saturday with our 1 yr old lab. We were fishing on the river by Red Wing and while the dog was fine all morning, when we took him to shore the second time my son saw him get into something by a tree.

Within 10 minutes he was staggering in the boat and almost fell down. He also had a bobbing motion to his head. We took him to shore again (different area) and he seemed fine. Back in the boat and again he almost fell over and had a weird side to side motion.

We headed home thinking that he had gotten into something toxic and when we stopped to check on him on the road he wouldn't even get out of his kennel and just looked at us like he was in pain.

We went to the emergency hospital in AV and they wanted to give him Xrays etc. Something about a how he was hunched over and that he could have been injured jumping into the boat. (actually made me feel guilty like I had beaten him or something)

No diagnosis as there was no chunks of anything in his vomit but they gave him Morphine and wanted to keep him overnight. We kept him home last night and today he is running around like a wild man--no need for the pain Meds that they gave him !!

Any ideas ? My wife thinks inner ear or that he got boatsick,

I am leaning on the mushroom theory as he has been in a boat since he was 8 wks old. Either way, the checkbook is lighter today.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yea that is so hard to keep our buds from doing that stuff, I catch my dogs trying to eat all kinds of stuff. I say they are worse to keep track of than kids. Hope things have worked out for your dog.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My male lab is a garbage can. He eats anything that looks or smells like it could taste good.

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