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uncased guns in mn?


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i read not long ago about them trying to pass a law so that we dont have to have our guns cased in vehicles like south dakota? is this true or are they still debating about it i didnt really understand what was said.

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This is off-topic but do you guys know if air rifles need to be cased in cars? I don't want to distract from the thread, so just a simple answer would be great.

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its still being debated as far as i know. and as far as im concerned its a bad idea to change what we have. that goes for the 2 lines for fishing in summer. out legislators need to get out of the DNR's business and take care of the bigger problems this state has.

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I agree that there are bigger issues that could be dealt with right now , but I personally think that its a good idea to change that old law. We should be able to have a gun rack in the car if we feel like doing so. Keep it the same in the way of them needing to be unloaded. As for the air rifles thing I believe you do need them cased as well. I will look into that one more deeply. As a kid we always had mine case but maybe that was to makeme feel like it was a big boys gun.

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why do you think its a bad idea to have uncased guns in our vehicles? im all for it, it would make it alot easier when your running from place to place and not having to recase and uncase your gun everytime

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How long does it really take to uncase a gun. I know I can uncase and load mine fast enough when needed. My thoughts are that if you have a gun uncased in a vehicle that you will most likely keep it loaded, or be loading it before the vehicle comes to a stop and you get out. Thats when acidents happen!!!

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well you can keep casing yours. and im sure alot of people will but yeah makes a good point when your running from feild to feild and it would be sweet to get a gun rack for my truck in back window : )

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what if your road hunting like gohpers or coyotes. not having to case your gun all the time would work alot nicer. and having a gun rack would be cool wink

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Personally, this is a waste of time and effort being put forth in government right now. Lots bigger fish to fry.

I also think it is a terrible idea, were talking about saving 20 seconds...

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someone mentions "like South Dakota" as far as loaded and uncased guns in a vehilce are concerned. We are allowed to in both cases. I did some research awhile ago so I'll try to pull this off the top of my head. There where 38 incidents last year which included ALL gun sports. Res & non-res incidents ran pretty close to neck and neck. Most involved shotguns where people were pelted by shellshot. One fatality (resident) did occur which involved a loaded gun being taken out of the vehicle. Considering how many times that occurs, one incident ain't too bad. Not to say that a fatality isn't bad, it is. Someone also mentioned about your legislature running your DNR. Our Game Fish & Parks is NOT contolled by ours. GF&P is an enity by itself. I run around with a loaded, in the chamber, rifle when I've got one in the pig-up with the bolt open. But, that's MY CHOICE. I'm well aware of the safety factor in doing so and well attuned to what I'm doing. You tell me how I'm gonna let the air out of a varmit if I hafta dig it out. You guys do what you what to. I'll never understand your law about one line in the water. But, when I make my annual trip to Big Winni, I abide by it.

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I think it make it to easy for someone to do something illegel. But its unfair because a lot of people wouldn't abuse it.

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This is off-topic but do you guys know if air rifles need to be cased in cars? I don't want to distract from the thread, so just a simple answer would be great.

Air rifles also fall under the state's "firearm" definition, and need to be cased as well.

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I think it make it to easy for someone to do something illegel. But its unfair because a lot of people wouldn't abuse it.

If someones going to do something illegal they are probably already doing it and this wont affect those kind of people. It will still be illegal to shoot game out of vehicles won't it? Then what is the problem here?

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If someones going to do something illegal they are probably already doing it and this wont affect those kind of people. It will still be illegal to shoot game out of vehicles won't it? Then what is the problem here?

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I can understand the thoughts of those that live in a populated area and the fear from those who basically don't like guns.

After seeing the report on WDIO news in Duluth about bills leaning to banning guns and the recent rush to buy everything from AR's to reloading equipment there's change coming.

Look at the Conceal/Carry permits and the minimal amount of problems that came from it.After all the concern from those with little or no knowledge of correct use.

Common sense and RESPECT have proven otherwise. Just this act alone was acknowledgment that our law enforcement is not able to provide a overall blanket of protection.

How valuable would a readily armed citizen have been to the Sherrif that was gunned down recently.

Could you have stood there and watched not once but multiple times a person be shot?

Would any of you na'sayers been willing to offer that young man assistance?A yes answer is not a reply of being a vigilante only a show of support and respect.I sure would have!

Now I realize some of you are thinking this has nothing to do with road hunting But it does..

We as a culture live in a virus pool of political control. A weakening from the influence of opinions from those who think you shouldn't because I don't think its right or I don't see the need.

You are only allowing another to control or restrict a right that respectful people should have.

Look at the lack of problems in states that allow open carry.I think once you do you will find a lessening of criminal actions and a healthier population. I lived in Kingman AZ for a couple years and not once did I see a single act that would warrant such control.I did see the bank robber dropped by a armed citizen.

Being discussed here is a basic right that should be given to those who ARE law abiding even if YOU choose to NOT. Otherwise a No is a vote to further the control.Be careful what you are willing to allow or LOOSE.

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Originally Posted By: riverrat56
I also think it is a terrible idea, were talking about saving 20 seconds...

then oviously you dont hunt very much

Nope, only 27 days last year...

This law if passed will lead to more people road hunting and more people using vehicals to chase game.

What is everyones hurry? Do you really think casing or uncasing your gun has cost you a deer, pheasant, duck or turkey?

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It is my understanding that this new proposal would also apply to duck hunting. If you have ever tried to get a cripple on the water from a boat you would realize handy it would be not to have the gun cased. I think it is a GREAT IDEA.........

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what does our opinion have to do with how much someone hunts? I really don't see this benifiting someone that much. Sure I think there are cases where it would be nice like said above chasing cripples duck hunting. Just my opinion.

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It is my understanding that this new proposal would also apply to duck hunting. If you have ever tried to get a cripple on the water from a boat you would realize handy it would be not to have the gun cased. I think it is a GREAT IDEA.........

exactly. chasing a cripple that keep diving because you have to fart around shuting the motor off and uncaseing and loading your gun is something that makes alot of crippled ducks lost.

bigriver- because the more you hunt the more you will realize how much this would benefit the people who respect the law.

not having to case your gun isn't going to increase the number of road hunters. if someones going to shot something off the road or in there truck there going to do it anyway doesnt matter. i know people that road hunt outa there truck and they still dont case there gun. so this law is basically for the people who will use it as a advantage not a reason to do something illegal. seriously people

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I think it would be a bad deal. I don't want to drive my family into St.Cloud,Little Falls, Brainerd,Moorhead,Bemidji,Duluth,Willmar, or the Twin Cities or anywhere else and see SKS or AR looking assault rifles hanging behind the truck seat. I don't want to give ammunition to the already gun haters. Some of them don't have a big gripe about lawful,fair chase hunting. Case them and put them away. I hear the cripple on the water, that needs revision or something. In ND, I can see it. 800,000 people in a real rural state. In MN, with 6 million people I can't see it.

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In the 70's I could see it, in 2009 I can't see it. Personally, sure I wouldn't mind it, deer drives and all the casing/uncasing etc. Crippled waterfowl I can see it. But, for law enforcement, I'd survey our police and CO's and see if they want to see it.

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i like the idea but i also live in a rural community maybe that makes a difference about my views then someone that lives in the city? idk. as for the crippled duck part that seriously needs change.

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This is off-topic but do you guys know if air rifles need to be cased in cars? I don't want to distract from the thread, so just a simple answer would be great.


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H.F. 128 has been ammended to get rid of a major screw up in the original draft (would have allowed loaded guns) and has been referred out of committee. There is no companion bill in the Senate so that chance of it becoming law are close to zero.

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everybody has there own opinion and i respect that. I just dont believe we need to change something that works. it will never be just as safe to carry uncased firearms

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