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Resorts in Brainerd Area

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I am looking at spending an extended weekend with a small group of guys (4-5)in the Brainerd area in mid June. I am not very familiar with the area and there seems to be an excessive amount of resort options. Primary focus for the trip will be fishing for walleyes and northerns. We are looking for reasonably priced resort accommodations on a decent fishery. Does anyone have any suggestions based on previous endeavors to that area? Thank you.

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I dont think there is no reseasonalbe resorts around here lol

but i guess if you split it with 4 guys shouldnt be to bad

i think one that might be not to bad is gull lake resort

i stayed there once yrs ago before i moved here

south end of the lake close to ernies good place to eat and drink

could try north long train bell resort and motel

nice place good fishing

either lake is good fishing that time of year

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Hideaway resort on Upper Hay is a great little Resort, Larry is the owner.

Fish tales on Lake Hubert is a great little resort, great lake to fish as well, There are a couple resorts on the Cullen chain that are nice as well.

Go to the Brainerd Chamber Web site they show most of the small seasonal resorts there.

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Upper hey is a good lake

hubert and cullen not so much

for walleye any way

the river will probablyy be high and tuff to fish unless

you are good riverfisherman

i still say your best chance to catch fish is north long or gull that time of the year shouldnt be real hard on either

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If you've got some money bring it up to South Long Lake in Brainerd and buy the old "Lakeside Resort which used to be known as "DeRosiers Resort" and you can catch the best Walleyes and Pike around.

I'm not a realtor or trying to sell the thing but with the economy, they're looking to sell!

As Greg52 said, Gull Lake Resort is more reasonably priced than the major resorts up here- like Maddens, Craguns, or Grandview Lodge...

I have to laugh though... when I think of Gull Lake Resort, I have a flashback to 1993 when I was installing carpet in one of their cabins and a bed matress started on fire when I accidently set it on top of a very large floor vent (which was the furnace)

....My employee said "what the heck is that smell"? I looked around and said, "holy [PoorWordUsage]. this thing is on fire".

We hauled it out and threw it into Gull Lake to put it out and went about finishing the job....

Crazy Stuff!!!

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that is funny

grumpy i just recently heard that slong is contamated ???

if thats true how did it get like that

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