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Is there a specific season for carp and suckers, or is it just a free for all? Also how does water on private land work?

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Believe it or not there is a season on the carp and suckers.... The season opens May 1st 2009

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I do beleive that season is only for bow fishing/spearing, you can fish for them all year.

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I should have clarified that season is for bowfishing/spearing.... They are open continuous

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i am pumped for this season of bow fishing. im waiting for the ice to melt. im sick of this hard water and i feel its about that time to start looking forward to spring. although fishing itself has been wonderful, as least for me anyways, no lie its kinda getting boring catching sunfish after sunfish every few seconds. i must have caught over 150 sunfish within 4 hours yesterday but it was just me out there so i could only bring home the limit. but in regards to your question harleyk50 any water on private land is accesible in most cases providing u do not need to walk on the land to get to the spot. but just to be sure and avoid problems i personally always go and ask the owner of the property. i didn't read up on my handbook lately but i knew there was a season for carp but i wasn't sure when it was. i didn't think it ran till the last sunday in february. 4 months or so of that is hard water anyways so it makes it impossible unless u are going to cut open a section of ice with the chain saw and spear for them or shoot them through the section of ice.

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i am also excited for doing a little bowfishing this year. it has been a few years since i've done it and i don't have the youth bow i used to use for doing it. anyone have any recomendations on how low i should tune my new bow for this, i normally draw 65 lbs for bowhunting but i don't think the bowfishing arrows are rated for that?

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how deep of water are you going to shoot in. I have my bows around 55 lbs. some guys have higher weights for daytime shooting and lower weights for night time shooting. It should be a weight the you can pull back all day long. so I say anywhere from 35lbs to 60lbs

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You will back your bow off after you send you first arrow into a rock or log. 50lbs is more than enough down to 5 ft of water.

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well i actually have 2 bows. i couldn't get enough out of it to sell it so i decided to use it just for bow fishing. its about 4-5 years old now but it gets the job done. i personally have my bow set at 50 lbs. i just dont shoot straight down in the water eathier tho. i take shots 10 yards away sometimes and 2 feet deep or so so it all kinda varies. thats why i got my bow set higher just for that and more shooting and target practice.

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right on, thanks for the advice guys. looks like i either have to get myself a second bow or wait till turkey season is done this spring and then tune mine down. i've played the game with logs before and i don't remember being the winner, what a mess

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